Chapter 7

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I couldn't focus at work today,so I asked for day off. Reason being was Waylen, what he did this morning was something else, I didn't even tell him am leaving,I mean how could I have looked at him. I went straight home and on my arrival I called Kelwe. Typical name but she's been with me since day one, sadly she's left me for the states but the girl is thriving, doing her last year's in medicine. I narrated the events of the day, to my suprise she says I should make a move of him. She crazy, I changed into more comfortable clothes, and drove off to see the apartment I was given at work. My mind won't stop thinking of Waylen, well it's a two bedroom apartment with two baths, a kitchen and a living room with so much space "make this place feel homely" my conscious tells me "shopping it is" I sigh. I drive around familiarising myself with the place, I'll be moving in anytime soon. I get everything I need, I get a few snacks too. I bump into Mrs DaVillas our conversation ends up in us having lunch, she's such a fun women to hang around with, we call Waylen just to annoy him "hello" we both scream, now everyone sees us as crazy "maaa kodwa yini, unobani lapho, Tiasmara left me, I looked for her everywhere she's gone" he says. Is this guy crying "ohh poor thing" I sarcastically say. We burst into laughter. Waylen can be something else, "maybe he got someone pregnant, the hormones are into him" I say to myself, we part ways with Mrs DaVillas. I return to my apartment and pack up everything. I finally have my own space, but am I ready? I ask myself, staying alone has never been an option, but here I am.
I get home, to find my Dad, he's always busy he comes home late and leave early. I spend some time with him,  "Amahle" he pause "uhamba nin kwami(when are you leaving my house)" I felt my heart break into pieces, God what did I do to have such a father, "ngeweekend" I reply. He's back at it again cracking jokes like he didn't just chick me out of his house. I do a bit of some paperwork, I sleep.
I am disturbed by a knock in my sleep " this the time to wake people up, go and sleep mahn" I will kill this boy. He hands over his phone " maybe if it wasn't your boss I wouldn't be here, I don't even like your face" the maniac says. What is wrong with this family, the other one doesn't like seeing my face, one's chasing me out of my own home, "Waylen uyahlanya, it's 0348hrs, what do you want" i say answering the phone call "come by the gate" and just like that he hangs up. I look down by my window, I see his car. So much audacity from such a young man. I wear my slippers and go outside and carefully open the gate. At this age I still respect my father, and kind of scared of him. I don't drink, but I do smoke occasionally, I only partied during my second year at university, which happened twice,it's just something I can't stand. Back to Waylen, he comes rushing to me, we end up chasing each other "it's still dark, and cold" I emphasize the last part "sorry...why did you leave early today" he opens the door for me. He's been driving, and I've been trying to lie, about why I left early today. It's been long enough now, I'll vomit anytime soon " can you stop driving please" I say. Instead he does the worst, he increases his speed. I scream while trying to control it " okay can I atleast get something to eat or water" I humble request "carsickness" he ask, I nod. He fishes for something under his seat, he gives me chocolate and water. Its better than nothing though, I munch on it, "am sorry, the shops are closed" he says looking at me.  Dude do you always have to apologise, my brain communicates. Minutes later we are in this huge mansion, "it's definitely Queen Elizabeth's palace" I mumble to myself. He opens the door for me "it's my house come" he mutters, pulling me to him.

He did offer me dinner, well breakfast, it's still morning, " I cooked it you know" he says breaking the silence " mhhh I can see, it's burnt and tasteless" i burst his bubble. He should learn to not tell lies to a detective, especially one that can also cook. The food isn't bad, it's nice but I do know that he didn't cook it. We sit in silence, while my mind is busy browsing around the place, "did you drove all the way to my house, in the middle of the night just to bring me over for food" I shoot. I wasn't expecting something, but isn't weird. Instead of clearing the confusion he takes my hand and leading  me upstairs. This is not how I envisioned my first time, not especially with my boss, but I brush the thought of if off, he's probably taking me to his study for some work.
If this house was to be a  women,I'd say she's a beauty amongst beauties. Indeed she's  a true Queen, of class and elegance. It's colour coordination speaks volumes to an artist. The walls hold so much to the beholder, he'd say such marvellous art, it truly pleases the eye. The King's and Queens of this world would be astonished by such luxury in one place, yet not a palace. He leads me to a library, who thinks of building a library in his own house. I don't like reading that much, it bores me alot "and this, what's up" I ask him. He pulls me to a chair " sit down and stop talking" he says it with so much authority. I shove my tail right where it belongs, obeying the masters command.


I don't what got me but, I found myself driving up to my girls place, am creating these fake scenarios in my head, while playing a background song that goes like
"in the middle of the night, driving
through the storm if life.

Looking forward to meet your beautiful
face, maybe just maybe it
will calm my war zone mind"

My creative minds stops thinking, it's a great song,I complement myself. I've been trying to get through her phone but it's switched of, it's been a couple of minutes but am freezing up. I risk my life, I call his younger brother, lucky me he picks up. I ask him to get me to his sister, after promising him the heavens and the earths. When I saw her I ran straight to her which resulted in us playing around. We drive off with no questions asked. I wonder what's cooking in that pretty mind of hers. She starts asking me for something to eat because she'll vomit, these things are done by white people, us black people we don't get things like carsickness, but it's fine, after all "ngimthand' enjalo". We get to my house I serve her dinner, and obviously it wasn't prepared by me, I can't cook just to save my life. She's ask me why is she here. I too down know, I so badly wanted to shut her but kissing those plump lips of her's. I took her to my library, to explore her mind a bit.
I put her to sit, " you're here because I missed you" I finally say with a huge smirk on my face, but realise later that, what u just said was wrong " oh, since now that you've seen me let me go, I have work tomorrow, and unlike you, they will comment on why am I late, while no one will ask why are you late, so please let me go" she talks so fast, yet bearable. She paused for a while like she wants to add on something " you're my friend no one will say a word and plus you're not going to work tomorrow" I say with a straight face. She laughs " I so badly want to slap you right now, maybe you'll come back to your right senses" Is she capable of doing such I as myself touching my cheek.

She asked for a blanket, and slept, and the being the weirdo that I am I've been starring at this soon to be my wife creature. Reality shocks me awake, she's not my girlfriend yet. I'll surely get her. I should ask her out very soon before all the flies get attracted to her.
I slowly lifted her up in a bridal style way, now all the crazy ideas popped in my head, imagining her in my arms after our wedding, am a lucky dude. I arrived at her home just before sunrise, she didn't even say goodbye or drive safely. She's thinking about the outcomes of her sneaking out with me. She'll soon learn to be sneaky.

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