Chapter 46

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Am back like i never left, a lot happened, but its good to be back.
See she's still is beautiful, she smiled at me, it brought so much peace to my raging heart i had thought that she would accept me, well we haven't got to that part, but again she wouldn't smile at me if she was still angry with me. She takes a step towards we, i can see the difference am now more muscular than before or maybe she lost a lot of weight "Waylen" she utters  "yebo maDlamini yimina(yes it's me)" i say to her. Tears roll down her eyes, my heart flinches, isn't it too obvious that what ever pain she feels i feel it too, its even worse with me i kiss her temple trying to decompose the situation she folds her arms, to get to her i wrap my arms around her. She gives in,giving me a hug, she still is my baby "Where have you been" she ask still in my arms, instead of answering her i hold on to her tightening my arms around her waist, she giggles "uzongibulala ngalezandla zakho ey'nkulu(you'll kill me with your big hands)" she says. She stares at me for the longest, mostly at my lips, it's a sign i go for it she's hesitant at first but ends up opening up, I've longed for these lips for the longest, I'd like to say that am complete, she bites my lip "let's get inside" she says, i pick her up while opening the door.
She jumps down from me, and stands infront of me, my eyes wander around it nothing has changed.
He's sitting comfortably on the couch, staring at me, there's just something about him, he's in the dark, it's either he's fighting with his demons or he's the demon, he's aurora isn't clear so  he's not human i conclude i rush to him, punching him on his face, i pin him down.
It's all happening Amahle is screaming, he's fighting back, he crushes a bottle on my head, nothing happens instead he worsens the beast in me, what are the odds Tia has seen me, he doesn't know me, he's not fully human either, but again it may trigger something in Tia which may be bad, i already have a lot of explaining for that. I'll continue fighting with my normal self, he's face is covered in blood, i immediately get a vision of my grandfather's face in him, it's like a flash light. I push him towards the wall pinning him on it "who are you" i ask, he's panting "i should be asking you that" he says i let him catch some air, after a few seconds we are back at it again "ngithe ungubani" i shout it echos, my beast, i take a second to look at Amahle she's shocked she takes a step back from us, he looks at me awkwardly "Waylen muyeke(leave him alone)" Tia begs. Ofcourse I'll listen to her commands "Amahle who's he" i ask her "he's my friend Siyabonga...Siyabonga" she pauses for a while and looks at him "just Siyabonga" even if he was her boyfriend I'd kill him, and him not being a full human makes it even worse. I wonder what else happened in my absence, i mean do trust her, but I've been away for a while, months actually "yinja yini ukuthi akanaso isibongo(is he a dog that he doesn't have a surname)" i ask raising my voice "I'm Siyabonga Gumede" he answers "weWaylen wena angeke usuke lawusuka khona uzongiphakamisela izwi emzini wami, well not fully mine but this is my house, uvela lawuvela khona uzosusa izimpi nomuntu ongamazi, ukwenzeni lomuntu, awumazi nokumazi kodwa uzomshaya, for what good reason, ukile wangibuza nokuthi ngiyaphila na, kodwa uyafika lapha ushaya umuntu, so what if he is my boyfriend, you disappeared, what were you thinking, that I'd wait for you, no. You didn't even explain yourself but hell you came in here bashing at him" she screams.
Am i the problem?
Okay maybe it was wrong of me to just throw punches at him like that but i am trying to protect her from him, protecting her from the unknown "phumani kwami(yoy both leave my house)" she commands, i look around "nami futhi(me too)" i ask because its just the three of us. The guy Siyabonga leaves "drive to the hospital, and get your wounds treated" she's commands him. He limps to the door, i fee bad "ulindeni bhuti(what are you waiting for)" she asks. Why am i leaving? "angihambi we have to talk and you know we have to talk" i tell her cleaning up the mess i made "oh we have to talk?" she asks as if she didn't know "first things first who's that guy and why is he's here" i ask pointing at her to sit down "ngithe phuma kwami, angazi noma ufuna ngiziphinde kaningi yini" she replies. Speechless "oh so we're fighting now" i ask "explaining would be pointless, beacause it seems like you've concluded, no we are friends I told you his name, you can leave now and no we're not fighting" she walks to her room. I won't fight, i fix a few things including the sofa, i take my leave. I drive off to my parents house, from the mountains i drove straight to Tia, i dont even have my phone with me.
Seems like everyone's home, i get in Smangaliso is first to see me, i couldn't make it to her childs funeral my own nephew damn, "Sanibonani" i greet, they were waiting for me, they knew i was coming. They are all sitted at the dining table, in their positions. Family Meeting it is, i breath out heavily. I take my seat, next to my fathers "Welcome home son" my father says smiling "uyathanda ukumshiya uAmahle uphi?" i give her the its bad eye "Firstly I'd like to apologize mostly to Smangaliso, ngiyaxolisa angikwazanga ukufika ekhaya especially at such a bad time, my brother i know, he's in a safe place" i pause, Martin smiles "as you all know i had imprinted on Amahle, things went south, and i disappeared, benginomkhulu so i couldn't communicate with you all, he had alot to say mostly about you dad, he also gave me a message to everyone and it is 'everything has a reason" i speak. They mumble amongst themselves.

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