Chapter 10

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Last night with Waylen turned out to be amazing, I did enjoy his company. I was terrified by that animals howl I heard in the morning, he did assured me it was just my imaginations, but I know what I  heard. When I got home I said nothing, no one asked me anything, I packed my clothes and a few things I'll need.
You see being raised in a God fearing family, prayer is the most important thing. So my dad lead the prayers, as I was about to leave home, start a new life and for guidance as I start a new life away from home. Just an hour away from home to be precise. My father will be accompanying me, some stuff wouldn't fit in my car so I had them put on my his car.
I didn't even unpack I drived out to meet with my friends, it's been long. We were to meet at Sweetness's apartment.
Black people and spending their money on alcohol, it's what they know best, so now what is wrong with me, maybe am just a white person trapped in a black body. The music is on full blast, the place is filled with alcohol, it's good thing am late the meat is ready,
(I'll write this part in a dialogue)
Sweetness: am I the only one but uLanga uyaglow.a, whats up.
Me: vitamin D doing the goodies on you
We burst out laughing.
Anathi: well I have something to say
We all look at him
Anathi: as you all know that am inlove with Thembi, I want to settle down with her..
We all scream in excitement,
Mazwi: where is "I won't settle down with anyone I'll just fuck around till I die" man..huh. Thembi deserves a Grammy for courting the world's famous player.
Anathi: wait I didn't even finish, so I want to propose to her, I'll need your help give me ideas on how to do it.
Me: doesn't it has to come from your heart.
They look at me suspiciously
Sweetness: and what do you know about love"Miss Nun"
He emphasizes the last part
Me: I was just saying, and yes am still single and happy.
I can't even remember the last time I kissed a guy
Mazwi: leave the kid alone, you'll find someone who will love you for your true self who will....
I cut him short before he goes being the motivation speaker-psychologist
Me: Mazwi it's fine, please don't even go there.
And the funny thing happens I think off Waylen.
Anathi: Langa wathula njee yin manje, I boyfriend iy'kshaya(Langa what's wrong is you boyfriend beating you).
We laugh at the sarcasm.
Langa:  am pregnant
Silence in court!!
We all look at each other. I jump for joy. They all thought I'll be the one to have kids first,
Me: I've just broke the world's happiest kid record. Am going to be a godmother. I get to Langa and dance with her, while they all look at me like I've kissed a frog.
Anathi: we have a problem
It is then that I realise that Langa is not happy.
Me: ain't we excited mommy?
Langa: He broke up with me after I told him about the pregnancy.
We are just shattered yet shocked,by the news, with us it's touch one touch all.
Sweetness: I say we kill him, in the most painful way.
Anathi: aww amadoda adlisa I team, sebasenza babi manje.
Mazwi: I'll happily be the new father of the child, we are all with you in this. If you need anything call us, even if your midnight cravings do give us a call.
Langa: don't be like that, I'll get over it, am 3 months pregnant, and happy. I just want to focus on my baby and myself.
Me: when is your next scan, we'll all come.
Anathi: I'll happily be the father.
It's kind of a emotional moment for us, they drink their sorrows away, while I comfort the sobbing Langa.
The day ends well, we tried to cheer ourselves up. Movie Night.
I was the hostess of the night at my apartment, it turned out to be our little house-apartment warming. The night was short-lived, we needed our sleep.
I woke up alone, and with someone by the door. When did they live though, they didn't even lock the door. I find a tall, dark man with a well trimmed beard, and next to him a cute adorable girl with bubble eyes, wanting to pop out stands " Goodmorning miss, am your neighbor" he says giving me what looks like food, I reach out for an handshake "oh hi, I guess this is a welcome to the neighborhood gift" I shyly smile " hello aunty" I tiny voice says "hi sweetie, how are you" I lower myself to her size, and wow she too short "am fine aunty" she runs away. Shy. What should I do or say next, look down maybe I don't know " if you don't mind you can join us for dinner, tonight" he says with his fingers accompanying his statement " okay I'll come" he leaves.
I tidy around the house, unpacking my stuff, am disturbed by my growling stomach. I open up the lunch tin, my neighbor gave me, it's a pie. I munch on it, it's actually good, dinner it is.
After the long hours of my good work I can finally say, this place feels home. I take a nap before dinner time at this neighbor of mine.

Waylen didn't call today, which is odd. He always checks up on me, but it fine maybe he's with his girl, which reminds me he's never told me about any girl in his life. I text Kami to her about the dinner, just incase something happens to me she'll know what to do. I get dressed in a below knee simple black dress and my fluffiest morning shoes, am not going to any date anyways, so am fine, and plus I'll just stay loyal to my crush. Now here is the question who is my crush? I look around maybe I'll find the answers, but no the bitch in me screams Waylen. If we could see ourselves in another body I'll slap myself right now.
Menzi is the name, my neighbor he stays with his only daughter, and surprisingly she goes by the name Asemahle, close to my name. They also have a nanny, sis Veronica. Menzi works in one of DaVillas companies in Free State, but he chose to have his apartment in Gauteng, so his daughter can be close to his mother(the grandmother) who happens to be a nurse. I wanted to ask about Asemahle's mother but I kept to myself. He's a great cook, he offered to cook me more of his special dishes. My tummy can never say no to food, so yes am happy. I told him a bit about myself, I even created a fake boyfriend in order for him not to think of funny ideas with me.

!!I was reading my work today, I found alot of mistakes, sorry for that. I normally write and post without editing it, it's my first story, I do hope you all forgive me!!

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