Chapter 49

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It's been long enough and still, Menzi isn't responding to the treatment he's getting, his scars have started to heal, am not sure if he hears me at times but I'd like to think that he does. I talk to him, bathe him, give him kisses, and tell him i love him when given a chance.
He can't die on me, especially Asemahle, last night she called me mama and boy did i not cry. I missed him more, we are still at his parents house, i took leave at work but soon I'll have to get back to work.
His parents have been wonderful, in taking care of us, me and Mbuso. They are very cool people, and funny how they still think that Mbuso is Menzi's child, i haven't had the gut to tell them the truth, I'll wait for Menzi. I haven't told my mom about it I am just not too sure about her reaction, about Menzi and me staying at his parents house. Did I tell you that Menzis mother is  nurse, my mom could easily find her since she too is a nurse, so yes I fumbled. 

Today i decided take the kids for a picnic, they both deserve it this week has been too hectic. I also think Mbuso can now sense negative energies around him, hes just pale and looks sick. He's suppose grandmother had a check up on him she even said "umzukulwana wam akanakugula afe ndisaphila(my grandson cant get sick and die whilst am still alive)" her words. No one's dying here, She's too attached towards Mbusi which makes me wonder how will she take the news of Mbuso's paternity. He's practically her's now, she has given him a name, which i heard that somehow it has to be included in his birth certificate Vusizwe Vilakazi. Shocking.
We drive out to our destination, i found a perfect spot for the occasion online, we first get some food and drive off. The drive seems nice as Asemahle is singing to the radio, well we both are singing, Mbuso doing the little baby talks, he's about to turn 4 months so the cooing sounds have started.
We get to our destination and some one's son is already sleepy, we wonder around the park with my sunshine and Mbuso in his stroller asleep, we settle down under the tree, it's the perfect spot, we start by taking pictures before sitting down "ain't you tired baby" i ask Asemahle she's panting, we just played around "can i have water mama" i should probably get used to that. I hand her a bottle of water, and i then start with making hotdogs. I find it gross when people make hotdogs, add the sauce at home and then have them later, it gets soggy so i brought the ingredients with.
We all needed this, and after two hours the goat's awake, he's had his bottle everyone is happy and tired as well, am thinking of getting an uber for us, "The sunsets, we've forgotten about our problems, how fun would this be if Menzi was around i reminisce about our moments together how he'd tease me, how we'd flirt and of course the sex part" I get disturbed by my phone, and its a call from the hospital, am contemplating whether i answer or not, it better be good news "good day ma'am, we're pleased to inform you that Mr Vilakazi is awake, he asks for you" she drops not giving me a chance to reply.  Am suddenly out of breath, my tears can't stop either, Asemahle notices that, i hug her so tightly she screams "why are you crying sunshine" i don't know if i should tell her or not "it's nothing sweetie lets go" am rushing to the car with her by myside, am shaking i can't get the keys "sunshine" she calls "yes baby" i reply "i think we forgot our things and Mbuso under the tree" am i a bad mother?
I burst out laughing, i run to our spot to find Mbuso in his stroller very much unbothered "nawe kodwa awusho ukuthi mama ungangishiyi" i laugh. He can't speak so what was i thinking.
This must be longest drive of my life, and it seems like everyone in this road is sleeping, they are just causing unnecessary trafic, I've been honking for ages for this white mazda car I've even mastered its number plate JK 45 NR GP, so if anyone sees this car throw a middle finger on my behalf.
He's awake but i couldn't see him, Asemahle and Mbuso did, the doctor wanted to discuss something with me, i don't think its good news but its good he's awake, i sit and think of all the possibilities "Mrs Vilakazi, a moment please" he leads me to his office, he addressed me as Mrs Vilakazi, "its Miss Bhengu actually" i correct him, "sorry about that, Mr Vilakazi actually called for his wife and kids, so i thought you're his wife" he says. Wife and kids "uhm his condition isn't looking good, he's awake though but he might have a problem, his spine was unfortunately affected by the accident, he may not be able to walk, but there's still hope, as the injury didn't affect his spine that much" he smiles, it's not helping. He definitely has to walk, not when i was planning of a picnic at the park, for him to join us.
I know i should be inside but i don't think I have the strength to, ever since the news I've been sitting in the car, Menzi's parents are here they have Mbuso. It's been hours, I've cried a thousand times, everyone knows, i should be by his side, and even if he can't walk for the rest of his life I'll love him till the end of times. I call my mother, she'll know what to say.
After getting scolded, and claps via bluetooth she's calm "Langa if you were in his position would you want him to sit in the car" definitely not "go inside my baby and see him, your heart will lead you, ungangihlazi kodwa kubakhwekazi" she hangs up.
He's alone, it seems like he's asleep, i pull the couch closer to him, he still looks the same, his face wasn't affectes that much "Langa lami" his voice is strained. I kiss him, he does the same "I love You Menzi" i utter.

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