Chapter 51

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It's a new day, Its a new dawn and i am feeling good. Menzi is awake, and i don't see any reason to cry, we are visiting him today. I've told myself that things happen for a reason, a fact that he might not walk it is for a reason I trust God, he'll sure make a way. Both families are present at the hospital, my mother is here and Menzi's parents as well. Turns out my mother and Menzi's mother were friends back in college, it's a mess, they are laughing out loud, causing havoc in this hospital. Catching up sure is a good thing but not here, i haven't got the chance to talk to Menzi, it was just a hi, how are you and i gave him his clothes. So many nurses have come to shush the long-lost friend's up, but have failed dismally. Menzi's father is sitting next to his son and they are gossiping about the whole situation, and am sitting with the kids. I guess its Asemahle's first time experiencing this side of his grandmothers, she's stares at her daringly. Menzi keeps on checking me out, winking at me and all that, the doctor gets in "goodday everyone" he greets. Its like we already know what he wants to say "well as i had discuss the issue at hand about Mr Vilakazi with Miss Bhengu, can i discuss it here with everyone, with your permission of course Mr Vilakati" Menzi noods "well i discussed your case with my collegues and we come to a conclusion, there's still hope sir, with the right medication and physical exercise we believe you can still walk and do your day-to-day activities normally without any issues" and you know when the doctor said day-to-day activities Menzi winked at me and smirked, here I was thanking the heavens for this yet he thinks of nasty behavior. After the doctors depature, Ester and Margret get on their knees to pray, they ask me to start a song so we can pray I do so, I can't sing thats just a fact and to prove it Menzi is coughing from the laughing and teasing. 

The day is cut short we all have to go home now, everyone leaves, a stay a bit to chat to him "its so cold here" suddenly am worried "ill bring you a blanket, athi ngiyoy'landa" I stand rushing to leave, he grabs my hand "I want you, not a blanket, dont leave" I get in the tiny hospital bed with him, he might look all fine and all but he might be in shock as well, i mean being told you might not function will obviously freak you out. I cuddle him, tempted to sing a lullaby, i hum a song "Langa you'll kill me please dont sing sisi" he's already laughing "yazi umuntu uthi umenzela intw'enhle yena abonge kanje mxx" I sulk "okay baby sorry, sing for me" i've lost it "i dont want to, are you fine though" I ask him. He positions himself on my chest and I help him up "I dont know Langa, all this happened so sudden and unexpected, I just wanna go home and be with the ones I love maybe I wont feel this way" I understand him staying in this hospital may make him feel like there's no hope "ill ask the doctor if its possible to get discharged, but are you not feeling any pain" I ask him "yeah am fine as you can see, i just wanna go home" he replies. Good then, we stay in that position, i was waiting for him to sleep, which ended in me sleeping as well, the nurse woke me up at around 02:37 in the morning, and rushed home. Everyone was asleep at Menzi's house this a full house, and house doesnt really have enough rooms for everyone but either ways. 

The most hectic mornings ever, Mbusowezulu throwing a fuss for no reason at all, his grandmothers thinking he's sick, playing doctors with my child, everyone diagnosing him, Asemahle is helping me in the kitchen making breakfast, while telling me about her latest mgosi with her friends, you know with these kids they're exposed to a lot of things. Just now she was telling me about her class teacher dating the school principal and how weird they act together and how good looking her music teacher is.

After eating and having the goodbye moments Menzi's parents are gone its just me my mother and the kids, am definetely booking her flight she's leaving toay. Its somehow weird being here in Menzi's house with her, "how long have you been staying here, am sure your house now has spider-webs" do i even have a house "either ways tell that boy to come visit me ehamba yedwa, engakwenzi umfazana angalobolile" the shock in my face, we haven't even started dating, okay maybe, but not really and alreay shes thinking about ilobola "its still early mama for that, but i will be umfazana ngoba udinga umuntu ozohlala la, I have to take care of him" she laughs "you're not doing that, if he needs someone to take care of him he'll hire someone not you" she says "and what if he hires me" she throws a slap on my back "ngizokushaya mina, mitha uzongazi kahle" pregnancy "i wont get pregnant relax am on birth control so dont worry" i just added to her fury "sies youre telling your mother that" she says reay to leave "you're her nurse not my mother" i run off laughing, who will i tell if not her, she should be the one giving me the injections actually. 

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