Chapter 53

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Last night  I got a call from Amahle, just when I was about to leave for Cape town, her boyfriend wants to see me. For what good reason, maybe apologize for ganging on me like that, maybe I hope it's good. Am not up for any drama right now, not when I have so much on my plate. Today I had a weird dream, I was in some place  walking towards this huge home with Amahle, and by the gate my demons stood there, but they were two and Amahle wasn't shocked or anything, she continued walking toward the gate, if not anything I was calm, as if what I was seeing was singing a lullaby to sleep. I woke up sweating and thirsty it was already 0900hrs and I had to get there by 9, I hurriedly got ready and drove off to this unknown location sent to me. It got me thinking but what if Waylen wants to kill me, this guy found me sitting on his girlfriends couch as if I was the husband so what if he wants to kill me, I need to be prepared, I went back to my rented house to get my gun, staying in Cape town made me to own a few of these babies. Its already 10 and I couldn't care less, judging by the houses here this is a rich neighbourhood, and surprisingly in this house there's no security, just a guy by the gate and no one, but nice house won't lie. I knock for a few minutes, no one gets the door, I open it myself it's not locked, I walk around, there are people talking but am not sure where, this house is unnecessary big, I walk around, trying to trace the voices. Waylen is talking to someone "look dad I know this might be shocking to you but your long lost son is this Siyabonga guy we are waiting for, I swear I'll kill him..." am not sure if my ears heard this or what "what!!" I scream, everyone is as shoked as me. This is crazy "awuhlale phansi uyeke ukumemeza(sit down and stop screaming)you scream like a women, what type of men does that.." this 'dad' interupts him "Nkosing'phile shut up, young man please sit down" he says, I do that "I don't know how to put this but we think you're my son, well Amahle thinks that you're are, and to confirm this maybe we need to do a DNA test, so please allow us to do that and then we will be out of your way, but there's no need" he smiles, I cannot believe this.  Amahle would never, and even if so she would have consulted with me first, yes I did tell her about my identity issue but for her to play family matchmaking worse with this one "no need for that, there's something you need to tell us, but if you get the wrong answer am sorry you'll have die" the fool himself speaks "no we are not doing that, we can't risk that" he's supposedly father says "I mean if he is your son he'll be like us, and if he's not he dies we can't risk having someone know us" Waylen says. There's just something about them I can feel it from within, "Amahle came to me with a dream just a while back she's in a forest she sees four chairs the first one has has Waylen, the second one is empty, the third one has Rawan, and the forth one has Martin, and then someone goes on to sit on the second one, she couldn't see the face but smelled the cologne, it turns out it's yours, clearly those are my children, the three I know off and then there's this other one whom I don't know.." I cut him before he could continue "so you think I am your son?" I ask "we don't know there signs are there..." again I cut him off "am sorry but you're just going to believe some girl.." karma that "she's not just some girl, she's my wife" Waylen angrily says "you wish" I direct it to him "but help me here so you think am the only one in this world who has that same scent" I ask at them "no, but I think got a confirmation from my grandfather that you might be the long lost bastard child" Waylen speaks, I so wish I could punch his face "watch your language, this is my son" we are both shocked, I find myself standing next to Waylen both questioning this man "but we haven't confirmed it yet" Waylen says "I feel it in my bones that this is my son, and open your eyes this is the younger version of me, just in a muscular body, how old are you son?" he says. No ways am not their son am still waiting on my PI to find my mother Beatrice Simthandile Zulu she'll tell me the truth "I am 29 years of age and am sorry to disappoint but am not your son, maybe but definitely not this one's brother, my father is well alive and kicking this is absurd" I point at Waylen "its not like we also want to be your brother" he rolls he's eyes. It screams gay "when you left my Amahle were you busy getting dick, because you look so gay right now" I still had more to say, a hard kick lands on my balls, today am not letting this slide, in no seconds we are both down throwing punches but ofcourse he's stronger than me but am not backing down either. Unexpectedly I see my other version in him he's on top of me, it happened so fast I thought I was the only one with this surprisingly I've also turned into my beast. We are both staring each other with fear, just maybe he is my brother I mean he turns into this as well and here I was thinking am the crazy one "sweetheart get your children right now, the whole house and the dogs as well we will meet in KZN" father says. 

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