Chapter 26

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Inside the rondavel made out of grass, laid the daughter or Samson Dlamini, sweating and panting, with the incense smelling blocking her nose. The DaVillas had called their family seer to come, he had was burping non stop, making him even more scarier. Waylen replayed the scene, he saw just how scared his mate was. He had broken their trust he should have came clean before Amahle, his eyes had turned golden brown, for the first time in his life he felt scared, he feared for his mate's life. She'll definitely leave him.
Amahle on the other side she laid there unconscious, with her body unknown to her surroundings. She sang and unknowingly awakened the beast in Waylen, she had seen him before, only in her dream.
If only she knew, they wouldn't be here. What you don't know won't hurt you, things were better off that way, he wants her to wake up, so that they can talk things out, but at the same time he wishes for her not to wake up, the storm has started, his tribulations her trials. She might leave him, they were happy, she was his sanctuary, she brought him peace, she kept him alive fighting his inner demons, he accepted his bitter truth that he was a beast, something he never chose, but she unknowingly saved him after all they were meant to be. It's the secret of his family that's destroying him, how can he be calm when his mate sleeps peacefully not breathing. If only they could talk and sort things out, he tried teleporting to the other side, he couldn't.
He holds her tiny cold hands that have gone pale "am sorry Amahle" he wails, his tears did not only taste of salt, but hurt and bitterness. He cried silently, his beast howls quietly, his melancholic self leaves the room. The flowers in his garden had gone pale, just like his mood . Their background song to their love story had turned into a horrific sound, the strings were  broken.
His grandmother welcomed him with so much love but it wasn't felt, if only his Tia was the one to welcome him home "kuzolunga ndondana(it will be fine my son)" Elizabeth his grandmother said, her past life killed the family.A single mistake ruined her entire generation. She fell in love, with a black man from the east of Africa, he was of musculine he's dark beard attracted her,his dreadlocks locked clean and well taken care of, his eyes where of vultures, his bushy yet well trimmed eyebrow, shielded his eyes from the sun. He was from the Hadzabe tribe a skilled hunter, he was running away from his demons they followed him. He never accepted his truth, he mated my grandmother who was from the great DaVillas  family, they were rich she lacked nothing but still he choose a poor african black man from the east. Love is blind, my grandparents relationship proved that. They got married but decided to use Elizabeth's surname his ancestors chose their situation, "your grandfather had a very strange way of doing things , he did things differently but he'd always find a solution to every problem" the old wrinkled Elizabeth said to his grandson who looked pale. His grandfather  kenall Abara passed on leaving his gift to his son who is now Waylens father, it'd passed on to their generations. He slowly ate his food, it was so bitter he wanted to spit it out, due to the pain he felt.
Just before midnight the family seer called him, telling him to rush to the hut where he had left Amahle.
His eyes wondered the hut, the smell of the incense made things worse, he couldn't breath, he was suffocated. The eyes he has betrayed stared at him with no emotiom and that alone made him weat  he'd lost his Tia he thought to himself. He sat next to the grass mat, where she laid. They both didn't say anything "i wish i did things differently, i wanted to tell you sooner but i couldn't it had to happen that way but if you can give us a chance I'll make it right" he spoke imagining their crushed future. Amahle went back to her deep sleep right after his words.
He stared at her cracked lips, and her swollen eyes, a single tear dropped from her. He felf his heart burn.
They were now joined together.
Nothing could separate them.

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