Chapter 17

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The fresh yet polluted air penetrates my skin, it's a beautiful city yet so dirty. I was out of town, I had spent my weekend at Mgungundlovu with my mother, she was more than happy to see me, well us, I've grown to love my pregnancy, my baby is growing so well, I decided to disclose the gender of the baby. I wanted it to be a suprise, I am a happy five months pregnant woman. Mazwi and Anathi have been pestering me, they are always at my place, but all thanks to them they've saved me a few times. I have the worst morning sickness, I get dizzy all the time and sometimes faint. It scares me to drive alone, and am getting more and more bigger, but I like my body it's thicker.
Sweetness alway drives me to and from work, including Amahle.
I drive to the nearest mall around, I want some snacks. Nutella and green apples is currently my addiction, it's basically anything with nutella does me good. I walk around, looking for some baby clothes, I haven't had time to do some shopping for my doll. I start feeling dizzy, so I walk slowly towards clicks to get some water. I get everything thing I want including the biggest jar I could get of nutella, I grab some chocolates, and chock-sticks. Things just gotten worse I so badly want to pee, but I can't leave my things here, and am still standing at the queue to pay. I try to divert my mind off things, I've learnt my lesson, and I gained a little precious gift, that I'll forever cherish. My mother had already planned out the names, I should give her a call to let her know I've arrived safely, that woman is capable of setting the whole of Johannesburg on blaze just because her daughter is missing.
I think of Thabo he should be here, he should be the one catering for my cravings, I feel my cheeks wet. My heart is sore, these people will forgive me I'll give the 'it's the hormones impression' I wipe my tears but they seemingly can't stop, a waterfall of sadness befalls my face. I start to feel light, my vision gets even more blurry, my head is spinning I hold the trolley for some support but my body fails me. I let it be I fall, on someone's arms. That was it lights out.

My eyes are still shut, I know am not in my bed these ain't my sheets, they smell of a man. I remember I was at Clicks I started to feel dizzy I guess I fainted but why am I not in the hospital but instead in a dark room. I've heard rumours that pregnant women can be kidnapped for their unborn babies that are used for witchcraft. I add all the facts in my head, I've been kidnapped I conclude. I start praying like my life depends on it
And after 30 minutes, and a whole lot of crying the door opens. There stands my kidnapper, he was the kind of handsome that got into my bones, that spoke to me of olden times before he'd said a word. He looks familiar, he walk closer to the bed with a tray of food. Atleast he was thoughtful "Sawubona mkami" he says, my brain froze, maybe i am a lookalike of his wife "I am fine, except for the kidnapping part I guess" I keep a straight face, he starts laughing it even gets to the part where he makes the teeth sound. I feel so disgusted and scared "am the guy that helped you when you fainted at Clicks, I didn't know your address and couldn't take you to the hospital" he says. He couldn't take me to the hospital how "I am Menzi Vilakazi" he takes my hand and kisses it. Already my cheeks are red, he continues caressing it. I can't even talk "it's the hormones" I whisper, and only my ears heard that.
We are just staring into each others eyes "I brought you food" he breaks the silence and hands over the tray, and leaves.

He came back after an hour to take the tray, he handed me my bag I immediately called my mother and narrated the whole story, my ears are still ringing because of the shouting and screaming I got, she now wants me back home yet I have work tomorrow, I want my nutella.
Who is Menzi? I ask myself he seems familiar, where am I?
Minutes later I get a call from Amahle "Langa are you okay, what happened" she asks, she seems bothered "i am fine, am just hungry and scared" I start tearing up. She probably thinks am a cry baby "kanti isn't Menzi taking care of you, but am coming ill be there in an hour" she replies "hhayi bo lendonda engingayazi ingishiyile and how do you know him" I utter back " it's Menzi my neighbor, the one that once came at my house to drop that kid you vandalized my kitchen with" she say. I now remember I did say he looked familiar "bring me something nice" I change the topic, before she comes after me for messing her kitchen up.

This Menzi person will have to forgive me the food he brought wasn't enough for a pregnant mama, I went to the kitchen to make some food. I prepare myself a sandwich with the nutella I found here, I threw in a few slices of ham and cheese, with a fruit salad and some juice.
The main door swings open, I look up to be met by a disgusted face, and just then my doll appears from behind him. I don't know if it's because I made food or it's because am eating his food but he looks really angry.
He's fighting with the utensils, while making what seems like a sandwich, while am listening to Asemahle's silly school stories, am not only laughing to her stories but at his man who happens to look like a frog right now "this is a sandwich, not that shit you eating" he says pushing the sandwich towards me. I so badly want to slap him, but then again I remember he saved me the least I can do is to be nice "am sorry for eating your food without your permission, but I was hungry and not to forget that I eat for two" I say point my pot belly. He should learn to respect people's food preferences, I focus on the positive side which is Asemahle and eat my food. He's staring at me like am chewing stones.
I stayed up at Menzi's place waiting for Amahle. I've checked my socials for a thousand times I even had time to delete the unwanted pictures. I wonder what's that frog thinking, Asemahle had begged me to do her hair, at first I refused but after seeing her cute self crying. I had to do it, but she fell asleep during the process. Her father took her to her room, he sits next to me and lies his head on my lap "I too want to sleep in your thighs"  he positions himself and sleeps. I am just in awe, who does he think he is "hey you little doll" he kisses my belly. Shocked is an understatement, I yank his hand of me "aw cha Menzi wenzani(Menzi what are you doing)" I question his doing, "ngivusela ingan'yam" he says not bothered by anything "this here" I point my tummy "is my read my lips..this ismy child" I emphasize. I push him off me, and try to stand I now remember I need support, but today ill man up and stand on my own. I stand in front of him and fold my arms, i probably look like worm. A short, fat, round, pregnant woman and to the cherry on top with a big nose. He makes me sit on his lap aggressively, isn't it invisible that am pregnant "you've lost your memory, but don't worry am here for you, I'll just take you down a memory lane, we've been married for 20 years now, and you're pregnant with our third child" how does one say such with a straight face "what is wrong with you I wouldn't even marry you in my next life" I say. Amahle should come and save me soon "but you said you can't wait to spend the rest of your life up in the altar" he's lying "can you like shut up you're disturbing my peace" I rush upstairs, I feel sleepy again. I can hear his giggles from here, he can laugh for all I care but I just hate him. Why didn't he take me to the hospital, I want to go home and rest.

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