Chapter 54

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I woke up a bit tired today for no reason at all, and the good news is Menzi is getting discharged today, i think it's best for him maybe being around he's family will make him feel better. I'm stuck in traffic and it's so frustrating, getting to work am already pissed for no reason. Waylen isn't at the office, maybe they are still discussing the matter at hand, I tried calling Siyabonga in the morning, he didn't answer, I should probably go sit at the canteen and catch up with candy "goodmorning sweet sweet candy star" i say sitting down at our favorite spot, if this corner had a mouth, we would be stoned to death. See about candy she works at the reception so she basically she knows everyone's business "i got you coffee one blueberry and one chocolate muffins" she hands me the box "see why i love you this much" i kiss her cheek "how's your beef with the HR going" she asks as she steps into the canteen, and we look at her from her head to her toe "she still isn't over with her lil fling with Waylen" but i wouldn't blame her "she definitely isn't she still thinks Waylen will go back to her" she says, but honestly i never cared as much about her. Yes she always made it seen by everyone that she hates me, but i never cared because the boy is mine, We continue sitting and gossiping about everyone's business, it's like people here sleep with each other as if they get paid to do it, it's none of my business but should it atleast be private and not show off. I get a call from Kelwe i decide to run to my office to talk "candy-lama-candy see you" i wave. It's been a while since i last talked to Kelwe "long time no see ntombi yase melika" i say and we both laugh "where have you been" she asks "I've been getting some" I say, she burst out laughing "where are you" and even if I'd tell her what will she do "am at the office what's up" I reply "lets meet after you done with work" she says and hang up. Wait up this girl is around when did she come back, I call her immediately "wait what do you mean lets meet after work" I ask excited "I called you the other day I was at the airport, you didn't answer" it's the day I was with Waylen. A man kept me from seeing my own bestfriend "I'll come to your office, I wanna see him" she screams. This girl will be the end of me, its been 5 years since I last saw her as she moved to the states. This has to be the slowest day ever recorded it's not even lunch time yet I've been here for the longest of time, decades if you ask me. Waylen isn't even here, I tried calling him he didn't answer and Siyabonga as well, what if they are fighting again, maybe they are both at the hospital, all these thought come running in my head, I get disturbed by uMamXhenge, maybe she knows where her son is "goodmorning ma" I say "ewethu it's an emergency" she says this already am up ready to fight "pack up we are all leaving to KZN" she says, I wonder whats happening "but do I have to come with you" I ask "I got a message from utata athi I must tell all my children to go home" she says "I hear you, but do I have to come, I mean..." and just when I was about to tell her I don't think 'children' includes me as well "you're my child whether you accept it or not" she says hanging up. Am not sure if I want this, but either ways i pack up and leave my office I think that everyone here knows am seeing Waylen and the ring is a sell off, rumours have it we're engaged am just as shocked as you, so no one questions what i do whether i leave early or absent myself no one cares so I walk out of the building freely, I'll have to cancel with Kelwe, or maybe i should take her with me to KZN, "vacation to Durban on me, I'll fetch you at 1500hrs, send me your location" i send her a text. I get my bags ready and change into a dress, and leave to get Kelwe. She's been staying at a hotel, "why didn't you call me, or you have alot of money to spend so that's why you're staying at a hotel, an expensive one for that" i say "oh shut up and give me a hug" we jump, dance laugh and cried just a bit. Which ended in us leaving at around 4, "well we are not really going on a vacation, you my dear are accompanying  me to Waylen's home" I tell her "hell no, am not, yes i wanted to see him but am not going to his home" there's no way we are turning back, "relax they are nice people" i reassure her. Its getting darker and darker, Waylen calls "babe where are you" he asks "saw'bona nawe Nkosing'phile" i say annoyed. You know when am angry at him I'll call him Nkhosing'phile, I also don't know why, he sighs "am breathing just fine" he says "kanti what's wrong, mamXhenge just bombed me with this" i say "you'll find when you get here, am worried where are you" he asks "am like 4 hours away" i reply "couldn't you get a flight, or you left Joburg late or you're just driving slow" he ask. Seems like its a full house there's so much noise "both, by the way sorry i couldn't tell you this early i had no time, am coming with someone am not sure if its appropriate" i giggle. Kelwe stares at me "nyathela imoto babe sambe" its how he said that "sure you can bring someone over thina asinankinga the more the merrier" he says, "speed kiils, and you're not a cat you only have one life" Kelwe adds, holding on her sit. Dramatic.

I got here at around 9, and its like its still daylight, everyone is wide awake, being a happy family. Now where is Kelwe we argued for centuries, until she won so i left here at a hotel, she'll just come as a visitor tomorrow. I drive inside the yard, am still not used to these people, and especially after that whole accident never, i spot Waylen from afar running towards the car "you're finally here" he says spinning me around "yeah, put me down uzongifakela amehlo wabantu" i say, he senses the tension within me "its fine nothing will happen i promise" he kisses my temple. I greet everyone, and am offered food "did you eat" i whisper on Waylens ear "no, i was waiting for you" he pulls me outside to sit down and eat. Never again because i probably had 3 spoons and the food was gone, "well it turns out Siyabonga is actually my brother" he looks down. Is it beacuse he doesn't really like Siyabonga or what "i don't have much of a problem with him just as long as he plays far away from you, the thing is its how he was conceived, he's younger than me so basically my father cheated on my mother" he says.

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