❊Let me preface with this!❊

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A/N: I rewatched Naruto recently and I just had to make this story. A story no one asked for! Let me know if you want to read more though. c:

Slight warning though. There will be explicit sex scenes in various chapters of this book as we follow along their story. Detailed and without shame. I'll try to warn you when it happens but to tell you to skip the chapter is kinda difficult since most are tied in with the plot. 

Also, a lot of ages have been moved around. It's canon divergent but to a certain extent with some characters having been born earlier in this timeline. You will see people that should have been born later here (not the genin from Naruto but the older characters). 


[start of fall season]

Konoha, a city ravaged with innovation and steeped in deep tradition. Despite the tall buildings and array of technological advancements, many still follow the ninja lifestyle and its culture. Some who are more acquainted with change have been vocal about the outdated aspects, i.e. the power of some factions and the idea of arranged marriages.

Yet the Umemoto clan, your clan, are fierce believers of such things. After all, the clan is known for its daughters, who are always married off to another aristocratic family; daughters who are raised to be the perfect wives with power and connections for their significant others. They know how to run a household, the financial and personnel side to it. They know how to present themselves in a social setting, to network, to be a beautiful accessory.

You are no exception. Being born as the middle child, you were promised a decent lifestyle with a feudal lord not too far from your home in Konoha. Nothing too extravagant like your sister who married a prince of a far country. No freedom like your younger sister who still trains to be a perfect wife but also practices to be a ninja herself.

Although the chances of extreme opulence seem bleak, you hold a rosy outlook in life and feel immense gratefulness with your blessings. To be handed over to a man who can provide for you and cherish you is a benediction most strive for--in your mind.


"[Name], you were to provide me with a child. Yet in our eight years together, you have not done so," your husband says with an unfamiliar coldness to his words. He eyes you with disdain, and to be honest, it is a look you have been receiving as of late, but you were too hopeful to accept it as such.

"I am sure it is a matter of time, my love." Your smile does not escape you, your mannerisms of refinement still present despite your heart trembling with fear. Beneath your ornate kimono are your sweating hands. Confrontation has never been your strong suit since you do not have the skill to riposte.

"At eighteen you were ripe for motherhood. Now you are twenty-six and have nothing to show for your age." His true thoughts are bared for you to understand the gravity of the situation. 

However, confusion still plagues your mind. "But you are the same age as me--"

"And I should have a few children by now," he argues with an aggression that silences you. Once he has the room to continue, he does so in an arrogant fashion. "That is why I will be having a mistress."

Your lips part to let in a loud suction of air. You couldn't fathom your husband's eyes wandering at any point in the marriage. After all, you took great care of your appearance and made sure to brush up on the hobbies he enjoyed. You educated yourself in the science behind farm work to keep up with his rantings about his subjects. His family owns much of the farmland south of Konoha and are in charge of the farmers who use their lands.

Ignorance is not your forte as you made sure to keep up with the inner workings of everything your husband's family touched. Such is the way of the Umemoto clan, to be intelligent and endearing.

Yet here you stand, blindsided by your husband's outrage. "Can we please work something out? The doctors did say that not much is wrong with me. If you can please get tested--"

Again, he speaks with anger in his belly. "How DARE you accuse me of being infertile? I'll have you know that the mistress I speak of is already pregnant with my first child."

Your hands, which have reached out for comfort, now fall to your side in shock. "You already slept with someone outside of the marriage?"

He raises his finger to point it at your face. "Don't... Don't pin this on me. This is all your fault. If you had been a decent wife, I wouldn't have had to look elsewhere for the mother of my children."

"Who is it?" You ignore his accusations as your eyebrows furrow with anger.

Before an answer can be uttered, you feel a slap across your cheek, harsh in nature and pulls you along with the force. You fall onto the tatami floor, crashing into the table where you had laid out some tea for him.

Tears well up from the pain and shock, but they pour down your face when you realize just what had happened. You couldn't imagine this moment getting any worse than now. You couldn't even imagine this to be real life. Your perfect marriage dissolves with every second of this conversation, the happy life you worked so hard for becoming a nightmare with every revelation.

You hear the door slide open behind you and the sight of your younger sister, who is currently nineteen, greets your horrified expression. She holds her stomach-- which isn't in the least protruding-- as if she carries something inside it.

You connect the dots instantly and an intense glare makes its way over to him. "You monster!"

Due to your position on the floor, he has no other recourse except kicking you, and he does so with malice. "Don't assume the worst of me, you stupid wench!" As you groan in pain, you feel the soft touch of your sister holding you tight against her. "Your family gave her to me to make up for you being a dud, and she happily agreed to everything."

You glance up at your sister, who wears an apologetic look. There isn't regret in her face, nor fear of the man before her. The baby of the family, how you have treated her as such by making sure she was showered in praises and love. She now stands beside you as the woman who steals your man, who steals your life.


The question is directed at her and she smiles sadly. "Because I fell in love with him. Please, [Name]. Please let us be sister-wives."

It's a lie, you know it, but this whole world feels too frightening to continue pressing for answers. You don't want to participate in the conversation any longer as you need time to digest the dissolution of your life. Without another word, you depart from the house with one suitcase, unaware of the continuous turmoil you will face.

[end of chapter one]

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