❊Another planning mishap❊

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A/N: I am doing my absolute best in trying to get these out in time

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A/N: I am doing my absolute best in trying to get these out in time. At the moment, work has been hectic so all I have time for is either writing my thoughts out for the next chapters or editing. I will return to respond to comments soon! Also, more drama coming next week.. I'm just doing some more setting up here c:


Seated in your new office, you now have space to fully concentrate on the events. As much as you did enjoy sharing the same room as Madara, he cited that no work would be done if you were in his presence. Although you teased him of his self-restraint, you were definitely no better and deemed it best to adhere to his wishes.

The quaint office is stationed on the west side of the estate; your living quarters are also there, hence the wing now belonging to you. You have a comfortable mat with a low table that has enough space for your paperwork. Toneri sits not too far from you, reviewing his portion of the work. He travels from one wing to the other to provide Madara any needed updates or for approvals.

"So tell me about yourself, Toneri-san." Your voice is light with inquiry coupled with a bright smile. Most of your work is already completed and now your attention needs stimulation.

Toneri glances up to view your expression. "What would you like to know, my lady?"

You've ceased correcting him in his titling. "Just anything. Like maybe how you came to be here?"

"I believe the same as you."

Your excitement falls. "I doubt you were stupid, pregnant and alone."

Toneri chuckles and returns to viewing the parchment in front of him. "No, but I was alone... As you can see, my eyes are nothing like the Hyuuga clan since they are from a separate but similar bloodline of the Hyuuga's. I was too different to fit in, and so the Hyuuga abandoned me."

"Don't they highly regard the Byakugan as their secret?"

"Yes, but mine is a distorted one. It will pose no threat to the Hyuuga's secret. Theirs is a pure version and must be guarded well."

"And so you willingly went to Madara-sama for employment?"

"He needed an aide for the work he has. The Hokage offered my services to the Clan Leader and he accepted. At first he kept me at arms length, but after a decade under his employment, he has learned to tolerate my presence."

You giggle, "Tolerate? Not even on friendly terms?"

"That is too generous of a statement."

"Understood," you laugh. Once your amusement fades, you return your focus onto the project. "So you said earlier that if I am able to have leftovers in the budget, I may keep the rest as payment?"

"Yes, that was promised."

"That sounds nice."

"May I ask what you plan to do with the money should you be successful?"

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