❆The security detail of my dreams❆

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A/N: From left to right in the pic; Kagami, Danzo, and Hiruzen with obviously Tobirama at the top

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A/N: From left to right in the pic; Kagami, Danzo, and Hiruzen with obviously Tobirama at the top.


After many nights remembering each other's bodies, Madara embarks early in the morning for the Village of Rain. As much as it saddens you to watch him leave, the knowledge that he will return keeps you in relatively high spirits. 

Not too long after his departure, your security detail arrives. Although you've met them on several occasions, they decide to introduce themselves properly for the sake of formalities. 

"Uchiha Kagami, a pleasure to be working with you for the next few weeks," the tall yet slender Uchiha says. 

Next is a man you've met frequently as he permits you entry into Tobirama's office. Brown hair, wide grin, prominent nose, and kind eyes. "Sarutobi Hiruzen. It is an honor to protect you, my lady."

The last of the three grunts out a cold greeting as he bows slightly. "Shimura Danzo." With what little interactions you've had with him, you know him to be a silent fellow and find no insult to his lack of familiarity.

You tuck a hair strand behind your ear as you give them a small bow. "Thank you so much for taking the time for something so mundane. "

Hiruzen shakes his head. "I definitely can't say that this is mundane, Lady [F.Name]."

"Well," you laugh, "no one really bothers to infiltrate this place knowingly. The last time was because they were led here, and I was not their target. No one would truly ambush Madara-sama's estate."

Danzo counters with a thought of his own. "Some may catch wind of his absence and will take the opportunity. You must be more thoughtful of your situation."

"Ah." His words only utter truth, and you feel some guilt for attempting to lighten the mood.

Hiruzen frowns as he pats his friend's shoulder. "She's just trying to be nice. You need to recognize that or you won't find a girlfriend."

Your lips twitch. As much as you'd like to laugh at Danzo's expense, you know that you'd only worsen the man's mood. Thankfully, Kagami swoops in as the mediator between the two. "I don't think Danzo is trying to get a girlfriend during his mission. Leave it alone, Hiruzen."

"I mean, he could." Hiruzen teases with a sly smile. "I heard that the maids here are pretty and that Lady [F.Name]'s sister resides here as well. Isn't her name Lady Akane--"

The chatter ceases upon the arrival of a new presence. Everyone's attention floats over to the entrance of the dining room. Apprehension as to who it is heightens; the door opens and you spot Toneri guiding Sakumo inside. The man's usual kind smile does not greet the room. Instead, he appears tense and serious. 

"Sakumo-san!" You try to stand, but he rushes to stop you.

"Lady [F.Name], please do not get up." At the sight of you pausing, his expression finally relaxes. "Good morning, my lady."

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