❆An account of their words❆

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"I—!! I told you that when I have to drop off Kakashi, I will go to you. Not the other way around!" your sister reprimands you in an exasperated tone. It's her greeting the minute she opens the door to your smiling face.

"I know but I just couldn't wait to see my nephew," you chirp as you extend your arms to grab him. Your sister lessens her hold to allow the transfer, and once snug in your arms, your mind races back to your true reason. 'I also want to stay away from Madara after messing up..'

"You can't be out in this condition. You're making it worse on yourself. Also, what would the lord of the house say when he made it explicit that you were NOT to leave the house much?" She ushers you in, not before taking a look around outside (as if she was expecting someone else), then puts you on a chair immediately.

"It's fine. I'm sure he doesn't care about me."

The statement is harsh and far from the usual optimism your sister receives from you. "Don't say that. You guys have a weird thing going on, but it's clear he does have some sort of... relationship with you."

"It's only for the baby's sake. Once I have this baby, I'm sure I'll be discarded." You lower your eyes, guilt weaving itself back into your consciousness. Never did you possess an ounce of skepticism in those around you, having always placed all your trust in their words. Why didn't you do the same for Madara?

It is a question that has plagued your mind for a few days now. To allow Inoichi's words to cast a shadow of doubt in your heart seems mind-boggling. Yet those around you keep continuously bashing the man as if he had done truly heinous to give reason to their claims.

"I cannot imagine that, but then again it might sound like him," she mutters the last part to herself.

It catches your interest and breaks your thoughts. "Why do you say that? Has he done something similar?"

Your sister stares at you pensively. "Well..." She sits next to you to begin her explanation. "When you start training as a shinobi, you begin to learn of the clans. When you start chakra and jutsus, you begin to learn about the shinobi gods. And when you start to go out on missions, you begin to realize that those gods remain dormant in Konoha."

Her eyes drift over to her son, who is beginning to sleep in your arms.

"And when you interact with shinobi from other villages, you start to notice the fear they have for one particular individual: Uchiha Madara. The man who can rival our Hokage. No one, wherever they come from, trusts him. None of the Kage do either."

"But why?"

"I cannot quite grasp the details as all are speculation and whispers."

"Surely, it's just that then? Speculation and whispers."

"If there is smoke, that means there must be some fire," your sister assures you. "He cannot be pinned for anything, yet for some reason his name lingers in places of disaster and conflict."

"Are you afraid of him?"

She sighs, "Of course. Most shinobi are, even his clan. That's why I worry for you. Should the shinobi world find out that you carry his child, I am sure there will be a lot after you."

"They will find out soon enough. I am reaching five months and this belly is too noticeable."

"Please," her voice urges, "you need to stay at his estate."

You avoid eye contact. "W-Well, I wandered too far inside and stumbled into the shrine of his brother. He hates me now, so it's a bit difficult to remain there."

"His brother," she says in thought as her fist taps her chin. "That must be his younger brother."

"I suppose."

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