✴Will you come back to me?✴

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A/N: A long chapter incoming! But I think you guys gonna get some answers finally though most loose ends get tied up next week kinda

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A/N: A long chapter incoming! But I think you guys gonna get some answers finally though most loose ends get tied up next week kinda.


Not a second is wasted upon hearing Madara's deepest wish. With his speed, Tobirama transports you to the hospital while Hashirama brings Mito. The redhead immediately begins to bark out orders to her personnel, demanding them to fetch several other medical staff at the dead of night. 

Meanwhile, Madara remains still in the lobby. After having nearly scorched the lands, he must now stand helplessly in wait. It's unfathomable to him how they will be able to bring you back when you dance at death's door. Not only are you severely injured, but your mind has been broken from a genjutsu. 

His gaze turns over to the sofas and spots Sakumo. His expression is indiscernible, blackened with sorrow while holding onto Kakashi close to his body. He must have rushed to the Uchiha estate to ascertain the child's life and brought him here. 

Mito returns to the lobby, geared up and ready to perform. "I'm going into surgery now. I have all my best people on it, but it will take the whole night," she explains to her husband, unaware that Madara listens in. "I will do my best, but even if she lives, I do not know how we will fix her mental state. Saitama's genjutsu is known for its destructive powers in breaking one's psyche. She may very well be braindead."

Hashirama eyes Madara wearily, "Just focus on her life and the baby's life right now. That's all that matters."

"I may have to use that serum..."

"Do what you must," Hashirama sighs. "This is his only chance at a happy family. I need to protect that as his friend."

Mito says nothing in response and returns to the surgical room. Some of her desired employees show up with Tobirama's teleportation jutsu, and from how haggard his body slumps, it appears he is on the last spurts of his energy. 

"Is Mito in surgery?"

"Yes," Hashirama answers his brother, "she said it will take all night."

Tobirama is in no mood to stand around and begins to exit the hospital. "I'm going to round up all the perpetrators with my Anbu."

"What?!" Hashirama exclaims. "You're not going to wait with us?!"

"I need to return to my duties as Hokage. Besides," he eyes Madara, "her husband is here for her."

With that, he leaves. It is plain that he carries more to say, but the fact that Madara had asked for others' aid in saving you silences what he holds. The change in Madara was caused by his eternal devotion to you, something that he now understands he can never emulate. For he will choose the village over you if that were ever to be the case, while Madara will burn the whole world before anything was chosen before you.

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