✴An old man's eyes✴

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A/N: Won't lie, this is a small update that is a massive switch in gears, but it ties into some things that were discussed (basically lore) a while ago as you will see

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A/N: Won't lie, this is a small update that is a massive switch in gears, but it ties into some things that were discussed (basically lore) a while ago as you will see. Also took some creative liberties and diverted off the canon route, but I already did that with this story so yeah... 

Anyways I will be back Monday with a longer chapter of the reader's return!


The world is blank again. Color does not touch this plane of existence, but your heart is at peace. Madara's kiss was enough to begin mending the wounds you received in your dreams. Although you are still plagued by your deeds, to know that your husband carries your burdens with him aids in your recovery.

'Love is truly a magical balm to thine's heart.'

Your eyes flutter open at the sound of an older man. He floats upon the air, legs crossed and holding his staff. His skin retains a light shade of tan. A spare eye sits nestled in the middle of his forehead that resembles the Sharingan. Two horns elongate his inhuman face while wrinkles add to his age. But it's his ringed eyes that call for your focus.

"Excuse me?"

As you stare at him curiously, he interprets your question wrong and scratches his chin. He coughs into his hand while clearing his throat. It's as if he is rewiring his speech. "Ah... thine's language hast become linguistically simpler over the epochs."

You tilt your head as you watch him struggle in finding the right tone.

"They call you Lady [F.Name]?"

From how he speaks, you garner him to be a renowned man. Bowing deeply, you respond, "Yes, and what may I call you?"

He smiles at your manners. "My name is Otsutsuki Hagoromo, and others regard me as the Sage of Six Paths ."

His name brings back your memories of Toneri explaining his family history. However, it makes no sense as to why you dream of him. "Are you an illusion as well?"

"I am an apparition of sorts, wandering time and space as I watch over my people." His explanation breathes some calmness into the situation, but he spots the apprehension in your expression. "Do I frighten you?"

"No. No, that doesn't sound frightening at all..." You glance to the side, avoiding his gaze as you utter your lie.

"... You are not quite adept in deceit." You flinch at his comment which earns you a small chuckle. "I have watched your life, youngling. Despite my gaze tethered to those who follow my teachings as shinobi, I never noticed your presence until you had crossed paths with my son's reincarnate."

"Who is that? Toneri?"

He shakes his head and holds his staff tighter. "You know him as Uchiha Madara, and mirroring the same downfall of Indra, he chose to soak darkness' poison. And when he procreated, I prayed that his soul would find peace in having a family, but Indra only viewed his children as vessels to further his mission."

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