Your arranged marriage to a prominent feudal lord has always been a happy one or so you thought. When he suspects your lack of fertility, he takes up a mistress much to your dismay. Your sister, no less!
The overwhelming depression forces you into...
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A/N:Welcome to the new arc that will be 11 chapters but extremely long. First, I will be gone for a month to give me time to chill, plan a wedding, celebrate birthday week, and actually write the rest of the chapters. Although I'm worried of losing you guys that come to comment every chapter, I don't want to post subpar chapters that are rushed u_u
I will return 4-5 weeks from now. Then I will post once a week due to the mammoth size of each chapter. For perspective, most chapters are 2k-3k words, but these will be around 5-8k. It will take a little longer to edit and flesh out what I want. Also, I'm still debating between Monday or Friday as my update days, but I guess I'll figure it out when I get to that point. Anywayssss onto the first section of this arc: Kakashi's Story!
[~] [-Spring-]
Children are always so innocent, no matter their age or their intelligence. A child's mind ignores much of life's intricacies as a protective barrier surrounds it. The adults pay special attention in retaining a child's innocence as well, but the dark side of life creeps in. It always does.
At the age of four, Kakashi realizes one.
He stares up at you, his fingers outstretched as they await a gift. You bless him with a petite book, the one you read him at night when he stays over. "Be sure to read this with your father when you go to bed tonight."
The solid surface of the book rests onto his hands. Its light frame makes it easy to carry, bringing a small smile to his lips. Yet such happiness is short-lived at the sound of Yurina's disappointment.
"But I wanna read it tonight." She always sounds indignant and spoiled in Kakashi's ears.
He narrows his eyes, but there is no need to retort. Not when you speak quickly and authoritatively, "It's Kakashi's turn with the book. You must share."
She lets out a 'humph', her pout staunch with restrained annoyance. "You always so nice to him, mama!"
"Speak correctly, Yurina." You waggle your finger at her. "You are. Not you... Now, say goodbye to your cousin."
Her eyes meet his. Both glare at each other in trivial anger. Kakashi holds the book in his hand tightly in case his cousin attempts a coup. Seconds tick by as he awaits her words of departure.
"Yurina." Your voice lacks the patience for her stubbornness, forcing her to relent.
"Bye bye, Cousin Kakashi," she finally manages.
"Bye." Kakashi is curt with his remark which further infuriates the girl. However, she cannot utter a response as you whisk him away towards the entrance of the estate. You hold his hand ever so gently, returning his smile that Yurina had once stolen.
Upon arriving at the entrance, he spots his father, who is weary yet elated. "Dad!" He rushes over and gives Sakumo's leg a hug.