⍟Obito's Story: A dark flower blossoms⍟

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A/N: Oh I guess the break won't be for another week cause I got these 2 chapters done already

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A/N: Oh I guess the break won't be for another week cause I got these 2 chapters done already... Also, this isn't as long as the others. The chapter is more of an introduction to Obito's path to debauchery. I honestly feel like without Madara aiding him as his teacher and having Zetsu be his 'overseer' of sorts, Obito becomes a lot more twisted. It's just a feeling. But his objective shifts slightly in this story due to the different circumstances.

Lots of advancements here from all the routes. IM SO EXCITED TO SHOW YOU. 

[Age: 12]

Physical and emotional pain breed in Obito's heart. He never envisioned himself dying early and leaving his friends' sides. Desire to be Hokage was what motivated him through the turbulence, but it had all ended with his self-sacrifice. 

Well, that was what he thought, but the boy awakens to unfamiliar surroundings. The cold chill in the air and the sound of droplets clinking into a body of water fill the room with an ominous atmosphere. The heavy darkness agitates his comfort. From the scent, he can guess that he still lives and is probably residing deep underground.

When his eyelids find strength, they open and try to visualize the area. However, he gifted one eye while the other struggles with some damage. The world comes out blurry to him but he can make out shapes and colors. 

"So you're awake?" 

He can vaguely see who speaks to him, but their voice sounds inhuman and lacking empathy. It scares him to know that something alien-like watches over him in this alcove, but little does he know that this is just the beginning of his hell.


Months have gone by, and the war still ravages parts of the land. Obito has been recovering while guilt encroaches his will. He should be out there, aiding his friends and comrades instead of doing nothing within this cave. 

For a moment, Zetsu appears occupied in his experiments and creations. Under the cave lair, it multiplies itself while also creating something much sinister. With his attention elsewhere, Obito takes the chance to escape the cave. His journey takes two days and two nights, and on the third day, he makes it inside Konoha. 

"You think you can escape?"

"W-Woah!" Obito jumps in shock as the white version of Zetsu attaches itself onto the damaged portion of his body. It feels as if he's been infected by something rancid, and his heart beats quicker with anticipation. 

"Better to do this to hide your chakra."

"Why are you helping?" Obito grumbles. "You aren't exactly nice."

"I want to know what you're up to." 

He may be somewhat slow in catching on to things, but his brain knows when there is more hidden beneath someone's words. The creature wants to learn more about him but not for his benefit. It's for something wicked.

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