❆On the other side❆

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of rape and some gore

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of rape and some gore


Upon her arrival back home, Akane notices an unusual silence amongst the estate. Usually, you'd be around to greet her back with a wide smile. You'd prattle on about how well Kakashi is doing and inspect her for any wounds. Should she possess even the slightest scratch, you'd panic and call on Madara to ask for his opinion. He'd then placate your worries by calling the best doctor available to address a mere scratch.

Even though the estate belongs to a cold man, she was always showered in warmth and smiles. Yet there is no flicker of such reprieve. Instead, she finds Sakumo with her child and her sister missing.

Her commander's grave expression overwhelms her with assumptions, and when she hears the reason for your absence, her legs instinctively run. Kakashi is in capable hands, her son will be fine. But you? No. You will never be okay around Tomoha. She cannot allow him near you ever again, for she has experienced his true hatred towards you while under his roof.

It takes a half day's travel to arrive at the estate, but Akane makes it in a few hours, panting and dehydrated. The weight of snow does nothing to cover the ongoing events at the front entrance as Kagami stands before a large group of rogue shinobi. Half of them are under a genjutsu, the other half keep trickling in as reinforcements.

"I told you, it's no use. We already sent out the signal for the rest to come!" one of them laughs.

Kagami, who appears a bit worn out, seems unshaken by the threat. "Doesn't matter how much you throw at me. None of you can touch me."

His confidence secures some within Akane. She steps forward while taking out a kunai. "Kagami!"

Kagami flinches at her sudden appearance. "Lady Akane?!"

"Where is my sister?"

His face, the once held confidence, falters with guilt. You were to have stayed safely at home under their supervision, but she finds them here out of all places. Many excuses can be stated in defense. However, he knows that right at this moment, Akane needs answers.

"To retrieve her fortune along with Danzo." Kagami deflects an aerial attack while continuing his stare on her. "I may have my back turned to you, but I can still block your attacks!"

Akane continues analyzing the group as she debates on where to start first. Some seem to be ogling her, but she ignores their perverted glances. "And what did you have in mind for the employees?"

A group of them stay close to the perimeter walls, praying for their rescue. Akane recognizes all of them during her stay here. They seem to notice her and begin pleading for her intervention. 

"Lady Akane!" one cries out.

"Lady Akane!" another recites her name. "Please help us and Lady [F.Name]!"

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