Your arranged marriage to a prominent feudal lord has always been a happy one or so you thought. When he suspects your lack of fertility, he takes up a mistress much to your dismay. Your sister, no less!
The overwhelming depression forces you into...
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Discomfort is an understatement to the experience of bearing a child. The days are now wrought with exhaustion as your body feels sluggish under the extra weight. To walk hurts, to perform normal activities hurts, and to exist hurts.
You soak your feet in the pond by your room. The water is clear that you can spot two koi that swim amok in their habitat. You know that the employees excel in maintaining the waters pristinely, and with the weather, you feel a dip with your feet will help relax you a bit.
Tension builds within your back muscles from sustaining an upright position. A part of you wants to slouch, but you repress the inclination. Instead, you breathe in the Spring air, rejuvenating your lungs with spirit.
In your midst of relaxation, you close your eyes and bask in the sun's rays. The serenity breathes inspiration into your soul that you begin to conjure up ideas for your next flower arrangement. Maybe a poem or two.
When the surface of the water ripples with interruption, your peaceful respite breaks. You open one eye to see Kakashi sitting beside you. It appears he did not rid himself of his sandals and joins you in the pond. His eyes stare up at you, inquisitive as always.
"Now, what is my little man doing here alone?" you ask with a laugh.
"Baba." Though his voice is naturally cherubic, you can tell his pitch will soon be one of even continuity.
"I see, your papa is here today." You press a hand against his cheek. "I bet you escaped the first moment they did something."
He doesn't understand what you mean and continues to stare.
Upon realizing that you had used too many words, you attempt another topic. "What's your name~" you sing your question.
Finally, he knows what you ask of him and answers to the best of his abilities. "Kakashew~"
"Almost!" you giggle. "Ka-ka-shiiiii."
"Kakashoo... Kakashriiiii." He eyes you to see if he did well.
"I suppose that's the best you can do." You pet his head which is an indicator for him of a job well done. "I bet mama and papa are looking for you now."
He wiggles his legs, disturbing the cyclic swimming of the koi. When one touches his foot, he pauses and analyzes them in a mystified stupor.
"Koi--" You want to teach him a new word but fumble at the feel of a strong kick. A small gasp tears from your lips, and you grab hold of your stomach.
"I'm okay," you force a smile. It does not lighten the interest that plagues the child. You reach out and grab hold of his hand. "Touch."
He allows you to bring his hand onto your plump belly. At the hard exterior, Kakashi realizes that it does not mirror his own. He presses his other hand on his stomach then places it on yours.