❊My purpose discovered!❊

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As you chow down on your meal, you ignore the tense silence between Madara and Hashirama. It has been a long morning of rigorous training that all you need is fuel. With each bite, you wiggle with joy and your taste buds sing with delight.

Your happiness proves to be too much to neglect that Hashirama turns his gaze to you. "I see that you are enjoying the meal."

"Oh," you chew and swallow quickly to respond. "The chef here has been outdoing himself every day. It has been such a treat to experience his creations!"

Hashirama lets out a chortle before redirecting his attention onto Madara. "I'm sure the chef is so happy to cook less bland meals now that you're here."

You suppress the urge to giggle, knowing it to be a jab at Madara. Though to witness someone teasing the man is quite a sight. "Well, I am appreciative of it."

Hashirama doesn't budge his view on the patriarch, who seems too calculative to eat. "Come now, Madara. You have nothing to say to me?"

He finally breaks and grabs his chopsticks. "Is Tobirama really this obsessed with my life?"

Hashirama's grin disappears. "It was actually me that did the investigation."

Madara halts and sends him a wary stare. It's clear on his face that he does not fully believe the statement and that Hashirama is trying to cover his brother. "So it was you who has been tailing me all this time?"

"No, no. More like tailing [F.Name]." He offers you a smile, "I apologize for the invasion of privacy but something felt weird about your tie to him. I had to verify it wasn't anything that jeopardized my friend."

"I am capable of discovering that for myself," Madara retorts.

"I know, I know. It's just, I haven't seen you connect with anyone outside of the Uchiha village. Call my a worrywart--"

"Nosy worrywart."

"H-Hey!" Hashirama blackens into a depression, earning himself your giggling. It livens him up once more to continue speaking, "But I want to know how you approached him. If you don't mind me asking. Many women tend to run away from him."

"Of course not, Hokage-sama." You don't spot Madara's slight twitch from how you addressed the Hokage. "I was quite inebriated and ran into him. I really enjoyed our conversations and from there, we were friendly acquaintances."

"Yes, you must certainly need to be drunk to start up a conversation with him."

"Well, I suppose to break the ice, yes. But afterwards, I was always sober in each interaction with him."

"Uh huh..." Hashirama still appears amazed.

"I--" You look at Madara, who is also watching you, "I am very grateful to Madara-sama for much that he has done to me. To be blessed by his kindness is something I will cherish for the rest of my life."

Silence is your response as a blush dusts your cheeks. Madara just returns to eating as if he didn't hear your praise while Hashirama stares in awe.

Finally, he breaks his amazement to speak. "The rumors are right. You are the most innocent of the Umemoto's."

You blush even more, "I-Innocent?"

Hashirama lets out a booming laugh. "I will confess. My wife has pressured me to see what exactly was going on between you two since she knows you as an innocent soul. She has met plenty of Umemoto's, but she said that you were the only non-ruthless one of the bunch."

"U-Uzumaki Mito said that?"

Madara scoffed, "She isn't that innocent."

"Madara-sama!" you exclaim which earns you a smirk from him.

Hashirama watches the exchange in awe. "I suppose it was wrong of me to jump to a conclusion on your motives."

Madara sighs, "It is too early to jump to conclusions that this child will be mine, but in the meantime, I am trying to keep her guarded until the truth is revealed."

His friend awkwardly laughs, "Well, I also mean that... as an Umemoto, some might really view her as a harpy trying to entrap you."

"I... am sorry about my clan," you mumble. "I didn't know about their nature until recently. It is not something that any girl should be subjected to but I feel so... powerless to stop them. All I can do is disassociate myself."

Hashirama morphs his features into one of pity. "But you have valuable insight as someone who experienced it. Maybe you can use that to stop them."

His suggestion intrigues you. "How?"

Madara cuts in, acting as if he hasn't been paying attention all this time. "Although there is a weekly council meeting that not many can attend, there is also a monthly session with the prominent."

Hashirama sees where this is headed and adds on, "She can join in during the monthly sessions. But if they ask who she represents, how do we respond? They are already aware of her status but not her pregnancy, so this may be tough terrain."

"Tobirama absolutely despises the Umemoto's way of life. You can announce her as his guest."

The Hokage ponders over the suggestion. "They will brand her as his mouthpiece and that he is overstepping his bounds."

"Wouldn't be the first time," Madara quips.

"Yes, yes... but we should take [F.Name]'s feelings into consideration." He faces you, "What do you think? I don't want to rush you into anything you aren't comfortable doing."

You've already finished your second helping and pat your mouth clean. "Is it necessary to be a representative for this meeting?"

"Somewhat," the Hokage says.

Your back straightens up and you articulate your thoughts, "Well, I represent myself as a Konoha citizen. What the Umemoto have basically done is slavery. I even have proof of the purchase and can use that as evidence. So I won't allow them to continue the antiquated selling of women in our civilized society. All clans have their unique styles in how they operate, but what the Umemoto bring to the table is neither beneficial to Konoha's nor is it proper ethics."

Your well-spoken stance leaves the two stunned. Madara stares at you, carefully and methodically. He does well to conceal his fluttering interest in you, but not from his friend, who begins to smile widely at the man's marvel of you.

"Then it's settled. I'll have my brother begin working with you on the project."

[end of chapter 14]

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