❆Hearts asunder come together❆

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"This really isn't necessary," you mumble as you follow Toneri into the estate's west wing. Much has happened since you awakened with security strengthening and room changes underway. It feels as if just yesterday when you were kicked from this area; now you are to live here.

It seems that Madara has cycles, hot and cold, him being angry then generous. After the attack, you feel as if you entered the stage of kindness. He's been sending snacks and goodies to your room. Yesterday you received a beautiful yellow kimono, but you have yet to see him again since your awakening. 

Today, he has asked for you to move your belongings over to his territory. The west wing offers larger and more luxurious rooms. To be assigned shelter in this area exhibits his kindness and attention to your wellbeing. You feel undeserving of such generosity but do not decline it despite it creating more chores for Toneri.

Said man forces a smile but his tired state is far too apparent. "Nonsense. This is to keep a better eye on you and give the Clan Leader and all of us a peace of mind."

"It's still a lot of additional work. I really am sorry," you insist.

He sighs, "I appreciate your concern. Alas, the Clan Leader refuses to hire more staff."

"Trust issues... Right," you say as you recall the many conversations you've had with Toneri. 

"The maid has already transferred over your possessions. Should you have any more perils, please let me know."

With that, he departs. You watch the door close then exhale harshly. Should you encounter any problems, you'd rather deal with them yourself instead of bothering an overwhelmed Toneri.

As you stare at the bare room, your smile fades. "But we definitely need more staff..."


Madara returns late into the night for the fourth time in a row. Each day has been unbearably long with his attention focused on completing a month's load of work within the week. Yet the grueling process has finally paid off with today being his last day on the job for a while. Now, Hashirama will endure the rest. 

No one is around to greet him as Toneri has already turned in for the night. He assumes you have done so as well even though he should not assume your welcome. He's made it so that you are unaware of his schedule in the case that you were a spy. A part of him wishes that he had not been so paranoid to allow the comfort of your greeting. Another part justifies his actions.

His muscles ache with tension and so he heads straight for the bath. A hot soak releases all his knots but not his troubles; they remain ingrained in the stitches of his tissue. When he departs from the bathroom, steamed and somewhat relaxed, a maid brings in his dinner so that he may enjoy it in his room. He does not wish to face you during dinner, not when he carries his regrets... Regrets. How odd of a feeling to have. Foreign as it is to his system, he is plagued by it every time he thinks of you.

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