❊I'm just a simple girl❊

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As you mindlessly fix up a flower arrangement in the back, your mind continues to wander to your night of passion

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As you mindlessly fix up a flower arrangement in the back, your mind continues to wander to your night of passion. Never have you felt such a release that just a taste of it has spurred an addiction. At every idle moment, your consciousness reels back to that moment with extreme detail. Every contour on his body, the sweat rolling down his taut muscles, his face--

"Uhhh, [Name]?" 

Your dazed eyes veer to the left to see your friend, Inoichi, who appears weirded out by your longing stare at the flowers. "Yes?"

"You're overflowing the vase."

His comment halts your thoughtless hands and pulls your focus to the item in front of you. Several species of flowers cry for help in their cramped enclosure, nearly broken at the stems from the lack of space. You let out an embarrassed gasp, "Oops. I must have had a lot on my mind."

He doesn't respond and instead continues traveling into the back of the house where his parents reside. They had already worked most of the day and you now finish up the evening crowd while they enjoy time for themselves. You're used to his quiet tendencies and return to working on the disastrous arrangement. 

As you pluck and arrange, the sky darkens until only the street lights provide sight. You finish the last piece and ring the customer out. Upon seeing their reaction, you smile and accept the levity the work brings into your life. 

"I'm heading out," you say as you slip on a cardigan.

"Be safe, love!" Inoichi's mother calls out. 

You nod your head and begin your trek back to your apartment. It's uneventful as usual but you appreciate the calm. Too many incidents and unkind words have been directed your way that you'd rather enjoy the quiet monotony. 

Yet your simple pleasure is short-lived at the sight of your mail. You notice three pieces that stand out from the rest, their sender being your ex-husband. In an instant, you have the first one opened. Your eyes scour through the letter, realizing little by little that his representative authored each parchment. He begins with pleasantries but immediately states the reason for his letter:

'If you can direct your attention to the second letter, you will read the contents of your marriage contract.'

You scrounger up the other envelop with the #2 on it. Curious eyes read each line of text and horror begins to invade your senses. Your ex-husband's family bought your hand in marriage, not a total shocker, but what brings you anxiety is the list of duties and promises that were never uttered from your mouth. You can only assume that your clan had written this as it mostly benefited them should you have remained with him. 

What's truly telling is that there is no mention of what would happen should he treat you in any ill-manner. It is all 'what would happen should SHE fail'; not an iota of interest in your happiness or wellbeing can be found. 

You sigh out your depression and return to reading the first letter.

Upon further review, the benefits you enjoyed have not been reciprocated by the other party, and thus we are motioning for compensation due to you not upholding your end of the contract.

The following were not met:

1. Producing an heir
2. Securing beneficial connections
3. Pristine management of the estate --
you scoff at this one.

The third letter will further detail the payment plan we hope you will accept. Should you refuse or fight our generous plan, we will request a lump sum.'

The more you read, the more your lips form a deep frown. The stinginess of your ex knows no bounds, but now he requires restitution. At the sight of the third letter, your legs allow you to drop to the floor as your soul leaves your body. 

The absurdity of it has you in a state of disbelief. How could he get away with being evil?! You have done all but produce an heir. Why must you be punished so heavily when all you wanted was happiness?


Your legs continue to aimlessly guide you around the night of Konoha. There are several people still out and about, but there is no bustle like in the morning. Some are lovers that hold each other with affection, and it hurts to long for such a thing.

Tomoha Kieto. The man wholeheartedly accepted you the first time you two met. Medium-stature and coffee brown hair, his slanted yet confident gaze always felt reliable. He spoke proudly, loud in fact; yet all his manners mirrored yours in refinement. The only difference was that he knew how to let go and have fun while you enjoyed a quiet evening. 

Your first kiss was given to him at your marriage and many more firsts followed. Never did you slip from your perfect mask, having all the willpower to maintain his life in order while he enjoyed the life of a socialite. 

But you forgot the lonely nights. You forgot his annoyed stare when you tried to speak. You forgot the smells of another woman whenever he returned late. You were so desperate to cling to that one moment he saw you during the marriage interview.

His eyes sparkled as if he was mesmerized.

As simple as it was, you held onto that mystified expression. You worked hard to recreate it, but all he did was continue to pull away from you.

"What are you doing?"

You look up from your sluggish feet to spot Madara leaning on the gate of the Uchiha neighborhood entrance. Your eyes widen at the realization of how far you had traveled from your apartment. 

"I-I'm walking."

"Out here?"

"It's a long walk," you mumble.

"You just look lost as always."

You smile sheepishly but it falters and withers away. Your heart doesn't want to smile, nor does your body. "I apologize for the inconvenience."

He remains silent at your willingness to apologize for nothing, then his eyes inspect your form-- how your usual straightened stature appears slumped with sadness, how your eyes appear listless with little hope, and how you still look as alone as ever.

"Are you lonely again?"

Your gaze meets his and you recognize that same expression from the other night. Your body heats up, but your mouth reacts faster from your brain.

"Desperately so."

[end of chapter 5]


A/N: Next chapter is a very detailed lemon. Tbh if you aren't interested, you can skip it c: But for now, please enjoy how evil the ex-husband is.

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