❀The taste❀

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A/N: WHO SAID YOU CAN'T POST SMUT EVERY MONDAY? NO ONE. Jk it's only one more until we get another a few weeks later :,) But some actual plot advancing too!


Days have gone slower now that you remain sequestered to the estate. Despite Madara's retirement, he still spends a lot of his time working on clan dealings and speaking with Hashirama. Mornings are a bore without him, and you try to replace his presence with that of your sister's.

As you waltz into the other wing of the estate, you head straight for her room. You anticipate her to be up already tending to Kakashi's breakfast. Maybe you can join in on his feed?

With that in mind, you ignore the odd noises echoing down the hall. Soft are they against your ears that you only realize their nature once you near the door. Your brain malfunctions as do your manners, and you slowly slide the door open while peeking inside. "Akane—"

Any attempt to disclose your appearance halts upon the sight of your half-naked sister. Her lower half garments are hanging off one leg as she lays down on the futon. Sakumo seems to be enjoying himself between her legs, devious sounds sloshing around that you can gather what it is they engage in. Your sister's moans supersede the noise, and you close the door immediately.

You feel hot but above all you feel embarrassed. You scurry away quickly for your side of the estate, hoping they had yet to realize your arrival. Relief fills you when you make it, but it's only for a brief moment.

You collapse onto the floor in shock and in heat. You grab your kimono with hunger, shaking as you imagine Madara doing the same to you. As much as you provided him substantial oral pleasure, he's never reciprocated the action. Usually, you'd be lubricated by his kisses or him fingering you extensively. His foreplay has always been mystifying that he had no need to wet you with his tongue.

But you desire it. In all of your 27 years of living, you never experienced the sensation. You're too afraid to ask for it especially from a prideful man like Madara. Your ex also refused to do anything of the sort as he found it beneath him. But to see Sakumo willingly give to his lover has you rethinking on your mindset.

You're steadfast in your conviction in maintaining a civil appearance as you await your lover's return. It's close to lunch by the time he arrives and he finds you in a stony position.

"You're becoming odder by the day," Madara states as he takes off his coat. "Is it because you are nearly due?"

"Madara." The sound of his name untouched by cordiality pauses his thoughts. "D-Did you know that Sakumo visits my sister daily now?"

"Yes." He seems uncaring of it. "Why do you ask?"

You swallow your pride as you respond, "I walked in on them... doing something."

"Oh?" He wants more of an explanation, less for his knowledge and more for your embarrassment. When you do not utter it, he sighs, "Must you torture me with the brink of knowledge."

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