Chapter 10: Brother, come to my room

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After finishing the airing of the Weak Holy Knight Of The Empire .

"Yep, still as cool as the last time"

After finishing the broadcasting of The Weak Holy Knight of The Empire... my day is now filled with satisfaction that I almost forgot that no one talked to me in class again today.

What I like about Gaias(His favorite character in the show) is how he said he was watching all the time but I don't get how he knows exactly the events that's been happening every time as if he was there in that very moment. he barely gets screen time so I don't know what he's doing off screen. If he wasn't there, how does he know?... hmm....

I placed my hand in my chin thinking of the matter.

As I think how Gaias could have pull it off. While walking down the stairs, I bump into Ayaka.

"Ayaka, let's go adventurin-"(Saito)

"No thanks"(Ayaka)

Ayaka refused as if it was the most natural thing ever.

A soon as I suggest to go on adventuring Ayaka refused before I could even finish my sentence.

It's kind of sad the way she always reject my offer as soon as I tried to invite her to go on adventuring.

I remembered the days where she would look up to her big brother and go along with my roleplays when we were younger.

Now, whenever I bring it up she just ignores it or refuse as soon as I asked the question. She still go along with it from time to time though so I don't think she hates it as much...

"Don't be like that... it's been a while since I talked with anyone in school I almost feel lonely bearing this fate of a shadow hero. No, I mean... well, I am a shadow hero after all so it doesn't bother me"

"To think they'll fear me this much because I, Phantom was too intimidating for the likes of normal civilians"

To be honest, I didn't think my Phantom attire is scary rather it was cool. However, peoples reaction are so different comparing to my past classmates back in middles school. [took it as a positive and proud of being intimidating] 

If you weren't my brother I probably wouldn't associate myself with you too.

So this finally confirms it... Brother is being avoided for being a chuunibyou out in public.

Ayaka's expression turned a little saddened .

I knew something like this would happen without prior notice to people... Did he became an outcast in the class?... Let's interrogate him further.

"Um, brother. Since when did they started fearing you?" How long has he been getting ignored.

"Since school started" [Said it proudly]

"That long?"

It has already been more than three months since school started... I can't imagine how uncomfortable that felt. By that meant his classmates. I'm sure he didn't think much of it.

[Actually, rather than feeling lonely. I thought of it as cool. It felt like I finally became a lone wolf unlike in my middle school years "I feel like a lone wolf, kuh ha ha ha..."]

"Anyway, I was thinking of ways to improve my shadow hero role."

"Why's that?"

I explained enthusiastically to Ayaka about my recent interest.

"Recently I've been watching this anime called [The Weak Holy Knight of the Empire] and then there's this cool anonymous character called Gaias"

"Just a moment ago he said I'm always watching. I was wondering how could he have known everything without being at the scene as if he knew everything watching silently at the shadows as how everything unfolds as the series progresses"

The week holy knight of the empire...Gaias... Ah! My friend loves that anime... is brother talking about that!?.. [Ayaka watches anime from time to time because her friend likes anime/ an otaku beginner]

When I was telling her my recent interest on Gaias, Ayaka recalled something.

"Wait!, I know that series!"


Turns out Ayaka also knows The Weak Holy Knight of the Empire.

If its like this, now is my chance!

Her eyes lit up and spoke with a serious and determined face.

"Brother! I want to show you something"

"?!... W-What is it?.."

I was a little shakend by Ayaka who looked determined for some reason.

"It's about your shadow hero character and the secret identity behind Gaias' character"


"Come to my room"


I was a little surprised and hesitated to answer for a moment. I haven't seen Ayaka this enthusiastic about my shadow hero roleplay for a long time now. Maybe she think of it as fun again?... maybe... I would be happy if that was the case...

She grabbed my hand dragging me inside her room.

Inside Ayaka's room. Soon after entering, she turned on the computer and opened a site on Google. and to my surprise it was...

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why Are Maidens Falling For Me? [Volume 1]Where stories live. Discover now