CHAPTER 39: Just a shoujo transfer student

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Phew... Thankfully no one scolded me for being late.

Mocha Tsukiyo, the shoujo fanatic has officially entered Hokkyokusei High School. Is now currently being escorted to her classroom by the teacher.

Luckily I wasn't marked late specially on my first day on transferring.

The reason she was not late was because the teacher told her to visit the faculty first thing arriving so she could be introduce to her class.

I told them I lost my way on finding the faculty so it took a while. Thankfully they believed it.

While being escorted by her homeroom teacher, she looked around familiarizing the place and at the same time looking for a certain someone.

Hmm, I wonder what happened to that guy... Did he made it on time?

When they reached the classroom, now standing in front of the door. Just before they entering, Mocha closed her fist tightly with full determination.

Alright, here I go. The moment I set foot in this classroom, it will be a fresh start.

This time for sure, I will make lots of friends as a lovable shoujo heroine.


Meanwhile Saito's point of view

*Bell rings*

The bell for first period rang.

"Haaa... I barely Made it!"

I made it just in the nick of time, just before the bell rang and is now sitting on my desk.

Now, I'm safe from standing out from being late hahaha...

I thought to my self as leaves and branches were totally visible stuck between my hair and uniform that everyone clearly noticed.

Hmm... I wonder what happened to that girl. Now that I think about it, she wears our school uniform.

I put my hands together in prayers.

Let's just hope we never get to see each other while at campus.

I put my hands together in prayers to not encounter her again until I have a plan to deal with the incident(hood).

After I was done collecting my thoughts about what happened earlier. I decided to put it aside for now until I have a plan to deal with it later.

I brushed off the leaves on my body that a classmate took notice.

"Saito. What happened to you?"

A classmate asked trying to start a conversation.


They totally still think I'm a normal student. Kukuku [He is]

"What were you doing"

Another classmate asked.

"I was-"

Just before people started crowding my seat trying to start a topic, our homeroom teacher "Tomoka Kazuki Sensei" entered the room.

She walked in front of the board and made an announcement.

"Okay class. Sit down. Today we'll be receiving a new transfer student"

Oh yeah... Forgot about that...

Why did we forget again? I remembered us being exited first time hearing about it in the group chat...

Why's that...?

Everyone's eyes looked toawards my direction.

Oh, yeah... That's why...

"I hope its a girl" [Boys]

"I hope it's a handsome guy" [Girls]

Everyone was eager to see the new transfer student and shifted their curiosity from me to the transferee.

I hope it's a chuunibyou. (Saito)

I don't particularly care because I know my preference most likely not be met. But...

"Mocha-san, you can come in now"

A girl with corral pick hair and a big bow ribbon tied at both sides of her head walked in.

Oh, no...

Is what I thought when I saw the transfer walking in.

"Hi, my name is Mocha Tsukiyo nice to meet you"

Did I do it right? Please don't ask many questions. I'll die... [Extremely Anxious]

I mean, go ahead. Ask questions. I'm ready!

She looked around trying to familiarize everyone's faces. Then the moment we locked eyes.

"I-It's YOU!"

She jumpingly shouted from surprise.


I reacted and said "Eh~" in a flat tone, played dumb while maintaining a stoic face. But in the back of my mind.

Crap! Please don't say anything about this morning!

She opened her bag and took out the hooded mantle.

"I picked this up earlier. Is this yours...?"

"I... I don't know what your talking about..." [Stoic act starting to break]

A hood~... That edgy looking design~... That's definitely Saito's~...

Is what the whole class was thinking.


Her face turned beat red thinking it was so embarrassing to just assume it was mine.

So I just assumed things. How embarrassing~

"Okay class. If you have any questions about Mocha-san, go ahead. Isn't that right Mocha-san?"

"Ah-, Y-yes. G-go ahead. I'm ready" [Extremely Nervous]

Even though her words starting to break from nervousness, she still didn't back down from her desire to change and befriend everyone.

"Mocha-san. Why did you transfer to our school?"

"I, it was b, because of my fathers looked for a place to settle our store. W, we came here because there was a good spot. T, this school j-just happened to be the closest. S-so I ended up ch-choosing this school"
[Starting to talk like a robot]

Mocha-san words was really stiff, stuttering out of nervousness.

"Where do you live?"

"In, near the shopping district"

"What's your favorite food?"


Everyone asking trivial things about Mocha-san. Luckily no one asked anything more about the hood she presented earlier.

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why Are Maidens Falling For Me? [Volume 1]Where stories live. Discover now