Announcement: Before Moving Forward

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A/N: Yeah, I'm not gonna fix all that.(yet)

So while the preview chapters are still not fixed, let's just que everybody in about the changes and adjustments within the series.

After the photo shoot, Haruka and Saito met a few more times during the summer break. To give her buff of her lack of screen time on the early stages.

When the idol otakus were looking at the magazine, it was revealed that Saito was wearing a mask but they could tell it was him from his figure while wearing his Phantom attire on a few pages.

The last segment of Mocha's discipleship Saito made Mocha to kneel down beneath his feet which Mocha complied. She did a dogeza, prostrating herself in front of Saito.

He snickered and smugly grinned at Mocha and said. "To think you would actually do it. Have you no shame?"

He was telling her those words because being a chuunibyou requires to discard what other people think. Being ashamed of doing roleplays and giving it their all in acting chuuni was one of them. Seeing how Mocha's acting was so well he thought her chuuni potential was high or is actually a chuuni her self. However Mocha was not pretending.

Mocha then came to an epiphany. As she look at herself kneeling to someone she barely even knew. She thinks to herself. "When have I lost so much respect for myself"

Yada yada yada. at the end Mocha did become his disciple and came to her own conclusion that Saito probably acted the way he did, acting as the villain but he was actually kind deep inside and just doesn't want to show it.

At the end, he did still accept her as his disciple even if he has nothing to gain from doing so.

She concludes that Saito's character setting is a "Master manipulator" being a tad bit tsundere but still quite caring despite how he looks with his true persona, without acting as the prince of the class(assumption).

She then asked Saito.

"W, why did you decided to take me in? A, As a disciple I mean.."

Saito just smiled back at her and gave a brief reply.

"Why? ..It's interesting."

as mentioned previously. A shadow hero usually works as a lone wolf. But having a disciple changes things up fundamentally, expanding the roles he could play vastly like playing an Aizen or a Dark Vader and saying "I am your master" are also now an option.

Mocha, after hearing those words was surprised at what Saito said "It's interesting".

She was thinking along the lines that There it is! The 'famous she's interesting cliche'!!

However, what Saito meant was that the concept of a shadow hero/vigilante having a disciple was interesting in on itself rather than Mocha as an individual was interesting.

Also, some name changes

[Names that changed]

Saito Okuzaki
- is now changed to "Yukiya Saito"

Ayaka Okuzaki
- Being Yukiya's(Saito's) sister is now "Ayaka Saito"

- is now named "Fuyumi Shirogane"
I searched and found out that Kazuki was a male's given name.


Revising everything seems like a lot of work.

Let's just continue on from Chapter 75 onwards untill everyone sees who's the real best girl of the series is.

I'll look back on revising the previous chapters untill we reach "That Chapter" of the story. The one who started it all.

I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why Are Maidens Falling For Me? [Volume 1]Where stories live. Discover now