Chapter 86: A storm is coming. (Vol.1 End.)

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Upon seeing the live broadcast, Haruka-san rushed to the scene where Fumidai and Phantom are having their duel.

Wearing a disguise, a hoodie, glasses, and a cap hiding her identity as a famous idol, she rode the railway as it was the fastest way to commute to the duel’s location.

Meanwhile, Mocha-san who was watching amongst the crowds, still does not get what is going on. Overwhelmed, is the true identity of Phantom really Yukiya Saito? The strange person she met just yesterday.

Did he really just duel Hitedoshi Fumidai, a celebrity and pro? He even won at his home playing field, which was singing, against Fumidai’s pitch-perfect voice.

As she watched in disbelief, a thick smoke enveloped the stage, and Phantom just suddenly disappeared along with the mist he most likely created.

“W, where did he go…?” The emcee, along with everyone wondered the same.

Phantom’s untimely disappearance left everyone wondering, just who is Phantom? What is his purpose? His flawless entrance and exit were as if they were staged, could Phantom be a character the industry planted to build up publicity?

Everyone formulates a theory of their own but is totally clueless all the same. 

Suddenly, the bush that was beside Mocha-san started rustling. 

Hearing that rustling sound, Mocha-san turned her head to investigate, but then, someone unexpectedly sprang into view, giving her a big shock.

“Wh-?!“ She exhaled with a startled expression. There she saw a face that was all too familiar to her by this point.

Emerging from a bush that brought back memories of our first encounter. It was none other than me, her master.

‘H, how did he manage to return here so quick?!’ Mocha-san asked herself, her face displaying obvious expressions of surprise and disbelief.

Looking at my clothes already changed to our school uniform, not even two minutes have passed by so the timeframe wouldn’t make sense.

‘His clothes, there’s no way he could have changed clothes so fast if he were Phantom right? Haha…’ she tried convincing herself with logic in this illogical situation.

“Yo,” I greeted Mocha-san, with a mischievous smile and index finger on my lips, I inquired, “Did you see? showdown? I looked cool right?”

I said it in a secretive gesture as if to imply I am Phantom, and the true identity of Phantom was a secret between the both of us.

“Y-yo! I, I mean, y, Yes! …?” Mocha-san stutteringly replied, thinking ‘So it really was him! Master is Phantom!?’

Given the context, it pretty much confirmed that I and Phantom are the same person.

Due to this confirmation, Mocha-san was left with a dumbfounded expression on her face, attempting to make sense of this newfound information.

As we speak, Haruka-san has arrived at the scene.

Although she was planning to just watch on the sidelines, if things got too out of hand, she was willing to step up and stand with Phantom's side.

However, when she looked at the stage, witnessing people leave, and the set up getting taken down, also the broadcast had already ended on her phone, it seems like she arrived there too late.

At the process of scanning the place, at a distance, Haruka-san saw me chatting with Mocha-san.

For her, and other common people, not that I’m aware off, I was easy to spot because I was radiating some sort of handsome shining glow around me, a look that can easily snatch other people’s attention just from passing by. [The curse of being too Handsome/Pretty.]

Knowing what Phantom really looked like from day one, she confirmed who she thought was me.

Walking in our direction, while I was talking to Mocha-san one-sidedly for her brain had crashed moments ago, Haruaka-san tapped my shoulders from behind, which I shifted my attention to.

“Hey, it’s me.” She said while pulling down her facemask and glasses, seeing her face under the cap.

“Haruka-san?” I said out loud from surprise, wondering what she is doing here, she doesn’t go to this school.

“I just wanted to check if you were all right. But it seemed I was worried for nothing.” She chuckled, glad that nothing serious happened.

‘I was worried because Yukiya-kun wanted to wear a mask, because he was probably too shy to be seen due to his anxiety to be around people. I get that he wanted to hide his identity in the magazine because he wanted to keep the sense of normality in his life. After all, once your face is out there on the internet, there is no going back.’

‘I just don’t get why he even wagered to take off his mask in that bet?’

With curiosity, Haruka-san asked directly to the point.

“Just why did you agree on the bet? Your face was almost exposed you know” inquired Haruka-san.

“Well, I wanted to be worthy to stand beside Haruka-san after all(as an ally)” I innocently answered, which Haruka-san sensed there was no hidden meaning behind my words.

What I said was really the truth, I originally wanted to be Haruka-san’s “ally” when I asked her on the first day of the Photoshoot, but then I was utterly rejected saying it was too early for me to be saying that. Then this duel with Fumidai came along demanding a competition to see who’s more worthy to stand beside Haruka-san, now cementing her place as the wall I must conquer to be deemed as the strongest. Maybe that was why she rejected me the first time because her status was to high in terms of character settings.

Blushing slightly, she said, chuckling “Didn’t I say it was too early for you to be saying that.”

Yep, there it is …The wall I must conquer.

Mocha-san, the moment she realized the one I was talking to was Haruka-san snapped back to her senses, surprised at how casually I was talking to Haruka-san, an idol/celebrity.

Looking at the scene, overwhelmed by how I was talking so casually to Haruka-san. She begins to wonder to herself,

‘Yukiya Saito… Master… Phantom… Just who exactly are you?’ Looking at me in disbelief, believing that there is no way this person she got acquainted with was by no means ordinary.

Noticing her gaze, I looked back at her and smiled, because I feel like it.

It’s cool when the shady character notices your presence, spying, then proceeds to silently and discreetly smirk back at you, then proceed to ignore your whole existence.

It certainly gave chills to Mocha-san. It was the same smile I had always given before, as my ‘perfect side character act’, but now, something about it seemed so fake and sinister, not knowing what was behind it. [There’s nothing serious behind it]

“All right, I’ll be going now.”


Haruka-san gave her partings and went on her way. I mean, the sun was already setting, Mocha-san and I did the same, just like yesterday we walked home together, now holding more caution and respect for me for some reason, probably because I became her master. Who knows...


Later that night, driving on a certain highway, inside a particularly luxurious-looking limousine, a girl with ash-colored hair, styled in a twin-tail, with gem-like eyes green as if they are emeralds, watching a specific replay of a broadcast displaying on her phone, she said under her breath,

“I finally found you.”

What could the girl mean? Just what has she found in that broadcast…?


A/n: With that, Volume.1 has come to an end.

Continue? Y/N

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