CHAPTER 33: A shadow hero doesn't sweat

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"I caught you(My prince)"

She said seemingly happy from the grin she had on her face.

"You caught me(Phantom)...?"

She caught me...? Sigh. And just as I thought my disguise was doing so well too... As expected from the leader of the student council... I guess there's still room for improvement...

I didn't know what she was talking about at the time because I was the one who caught her. So I assumed the one senpai was referring to was the person senpai wad waiting to catch all this time, and it was just me along, Phantom.

I confirmed that because there's no spy to be seen in the surroundings other than the two of us.

"Um... Senpai, can you get off now? Its getting kinda heavy"

Senpai looked around and realized she was still sitting on top of me.

Realizing the situation, her face turned red and suddenly moved to the side.

"T-Thank you"

Senpai said looking a little flustered.

"No problem"

I replied while wearing a smile. It was part of Ayaka's training to always smile to appear not suspicious.

I stood up and waited for senpai to do the same. However.


When senpai tried to stand, she failed.

"Sorry. I don't think I can stand right now"

When she tried to stand but couldn't. Her voice slipped and said ouch only meaning she was in pain.

The pain seemed to be coming from her right foot from the time when she slipped on the stairs even before the fall happened.

"-ch! Looks like I my ankle is swollen"

I couldn't really tell from the knee socks she was wearing that her foot was swollen. I only knew it when she clarified it.

"Wait, wh-Wha- ...!"

I, who didn't say a word suddenly picked up senpai and lay her in my arms carrying her like a princess.

Th-This is-! A p-p-princess carryyy?!
[Correction: Student Council President Shiori Hikaruno is a single and responsible "Romanticistic" person]

This is also one of Ayaka's training. "If a girl couldn't walk, don't just lend them your shoulder. Pick her up and lay them in your arms"

"Am I too heavy?..."

Senpai asked.

"N-no. Of course not..."

I said while maintaining my composure saying that's not the case. But in reality, I was struggling to keep calm as I carried her in my arms.

I said that, but... This is actually harder than it looks.

The shadow heroes in the shows didn't even show signs of braking a sweat while carrying/saving someone... So I mustn't show how much I struggle as well...

Plus, when I'm carrying Ayaka, she hates it when I tell her she's heavy so it could probably apply with senpai also, who weighs even heavier. So I should stay silent about it.

Meanwhile Ayaka in her mind during the said training: Wouldn't it be funny if that happens haha... But come on. There's no way something cliche like that could happen out of nowhere, specially in the real world. Wouldn't it...?

She just thought of it as playing a small prank to her brother and didn't even think it would actually happen.

Senpai, who had a strong dignified and mature woman appearance from earlier disappeared. And now, all of it seemed have melted away from being flustered by being carried like a princess. She kept silent during the journey from shyness all the way through the infirmary.

He really is like the prince from the stories...

She thought as she stared at my side profile with admiration.

We finally reached the infirmary still keping my composure.

"Excuse me, is the nurse inside?"

"Come in"

I brought her inside the infirmary. And when the nurse was checking her injury, I took the chance to get out of the room for a moment to breath.

"Haa.. Haa... Haa... I made it..."

I catch my breath breathing heavily in relief that I manage to pull through.

Senpai isn't really what you could say light. It's not because she was fat in any means. It was because she's a little taller than most girls and almost the same hight as me, have nice curves in all the right places. So she's perfectly healthy. That's the thing that was making her hard to carry.

A/N: Should I just say tall, big chested, and thicc thighs?

Also taking the positioning of the weight and balance to performing a princess carry into account. It was also one of the factors that makes it harder to do so.

When I finally caught my breath, I headed back inside the infirmary to see what's happening.

When I returned, the school nurse already finished checking student council president's injury.

"No need to worry, it's just a simple sprain. It will heal in about in a weak or two of rest"

"That's a relief"

Thankfully it wasn't that bad and senpai doesn't need to be carried to the hospital right away. The nurse just applied first aid but just to make sure, senpai will have it checked later on in a hospital after school.

We stepped out of the nurse's office with senpai having to use a crutch as support so she could walk around without having to use her right foot.

Thankfully, I wouldn't need to carry her anymore because of the crutch. I don't think I could maintain my composure any more from that.

"Thanks again. If it wasn't for you, I'm not sure what could have happened there"

She returned to the way she acted from before the first time I met her on the rooftop, keeping her appearance as the student council president / a dignified older woman appearance.

"I'm just glad I could help"

"Uhm... If it wasn't too much to ask. C-could you please tell me your name?"

She asked with her cheeks a little red and slightly stuttering in the middle of her sentence.

"...? It's Saito Okuzaki from Class 1-A"

"I see, so your name is Saito Okuzaki, I'll be sure to remember it hehe"

I don't see anything funny, so why is she laughing... !! Is she marking me as her target?! Very well, I'll be ready for you any time you want.

And so, we parted ways to return to our classrooms. And right now... we're super late for the afternoon lesson that already began since the last bell which already rang 20 minutes ago.

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