Chaoter 84: Skill [Absolute Voice Control]

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Eventually, my turn to perform had arrived.

I walked down to the center of the stage, there where the microphone is waiting for me, resting on the microphone stand.

'There's no way he's able to beat Hitedoshi Fumidai, right? ...I mean, the guy's voice is blessed by the gods to the point it's practically cheating' A person of the crowd commented 'or maybe he'll pull off another surprise? Who knows, really?'

Not being fully aware of what "Phantom" is truly capable of, the people anticipate for him to perform to judge the results of the duel, for 30% of the results will be literally decided by them.

Meanwhile, Kaori and Ayaka after witnessing Hitedoshi Fumidai's performance.

"Wow, His voice is really blessed by the gods it's practically cheating," commented Kaori, having the same opinion as many others.

"So, Ayaka ...What are the chances of Chuunibro winning this time around." Kaori inquired to Ayaka, seemingly overwhelmed by Hitedoshi's talent, his voice for singing.

"I don't know. Never heard big brother sing before." Ayaka said and revealed.

"Eh, then-"

Just before Kaori finish what she had to say, Ayaka cut her off and inquired.

"What are your thoughts about singing? Is it talent or a skill?" Ayaka inquired to Kaori.

Thinking for seconds after giving it much thought, Kaori replied.

"Talent ...I guess," said Kaori, unsure of her answer.

"Well, you're not completely wrong about that."

"Then ...does that mean, Chuunibro has a lenient talent for singing?" inquired Kaori, seeing that Ayaka 'She seemed complacent this whole time after all. So that's probably the reason why."

"I said I don't know," Ayaka shrugs her shoulders, seemingly genuine about her response "Also, you're not completely right either, by the way. It was actually a trick question."


"The real answer was both. Although some people are born with a tone that is aesthetically pleasing, it is also a skill that can be learned."

People often assume that singing is a talent that you either have or don't, but in reality, it ultimately depends more on how much time and effort you invest in cultivating and preserving your voice than it does on your innate ability to sing.

"In Fumidai's case, he categorizes in both. The vocals he was born with were truly one to be desired by singers. A true natural, however, controlling and configuring his vocals as skillfully as he displayed just now was undeniably achieved through sheer effort." Ayaka concludes that,

"In a sense, people like Hitedoshi Fumidai only got a head start among others to tap into their true potential. It's entirely their decision to pursue that potential."

"I see... But still, are you not worried? How come you seemed so confident? " inquired Kaori, searching for 'where is her confidence coming from?'

"Have you forgotten what he is already? To brother, every day is practically vocal training for him." said Ayaka, having knowledge that 'To him, delivering his lines the coolest way possible was already human nature.'

"All we have to do now is to confirm if he has the talent for it or not."

"What if he doesn't have the talent for it?" remembering what was at stake, Kaori reminded Ayaka that "His face might end up being exposed on the new if he lose"

"Stop worrying so much ...after all," with a cunning smile, and an assured tone under her voice, Ayaka proclaimed that. "My Brother, is the [Ultimate Chuunibyou]."

Holding the microphone in my hand, and the stand firmly on the other, the music starts playing, finally hearing the singing voice of "Phantom" for the very first time.

Taking a deep breath, I opened my mouth and delivered the first lines of the song.

Skill: [Absolute Vocal Control] activate.

The whole perimeter fell into silence...

In contrast to Fumidai's performance earlier, no one seems to be singing along or cheering.

In fact, no voice can be heard in the area except for mine alone. Not because it was bad, or they do not know the lyrics, but because they got captivated, engrossed, and entranced into listening.

As if, the song's and singer's emotions became one, spreading this raw emotion in the air that had now infected the atmosphere of the area.

It gave them goosebumps and chills as feelings that aren't even their own began to manifest from within.

Even Fumidai himself was no exemption to that and was speechless; he has never felt this kind of sensation before from other singers, even coming from himself.

No one in the area dared to interrupt as it was too enchanting to lose focus of, leaving them in this entranced state.

How am I able to achieve such a feat you may ask?

Apart from using my skill [Absolute Voice Control], on top of that, I applied [Method Acting] treating the situation as if the emotion and intent of the song were completely coming from mine.

After all, how can you voice your character to its fullest extent if you yourself did not understand the character you're playing ...Is this what a voice actor feels like?

I assumed this portion of our duel was for that, to see who can deliver our dialogues better in the form of singing. It requires a lot of voice control in that area after all, so I can see why they were chosen to determine who has the better control over our voice.

The crowd stood silent, stunned, and thrilled by me singing. It gave them chills at how close it felt as if, the feelings of the song spilled, turned to their own like some sort of pandemic.

By the time the song had already finished, everyone still stood silent, as if they were frozen in time.

Until one person clapped and broke the silence. One by one, the others followed until the clapping sound you could pinpoint individually seconds ago turned to a thunderous roar of applause, likely cheering louder than Fumidai's have been.

Through the phone, even Kaori was stunned.

She turned her gaze to Ayaka and said.

"You planned all this, didn't you?" with an all-knowing smile "Isn't that right? Ayaka. Or should I say, ["Ms. Lady Marionet of the shadows"] a.k.a holder of the [XxDarknessLoverxX] account."

Ayaka just smiled back at Kaori, innocently, with a fake-looking smile. And said,

"Who knows?" saying it in a way that is vague yet hinting at the real answer at the same time.

"Also. Don't call me that in public." Ayaka said with threatening pressure despite her unchanging smile.

Terrified, Kaori replied. "Yes!"

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