Am I Pregnant?

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This entire book deals with mature themes such as Transphobia, medical abuse, abortions, and pregnancy.

Bad practically inhaled his morning coffee, there was no time for delays. Hospital staff had to function like robots. They lived off little sleep and lots of caffeine. Bad was used to it, but this particular morning felt dreadful to him.

He left the staff room, running into his favorite coworker on the way. "Hey Puffy, don't you usually use the staff room down in the psychiatric ward?"

"Coffee machine broke." Puffy pouted playfully. "Where are you off to?"

"Going to see my first patient of the day. It's a new one, wish me luck." Bad said jokingly. He did have a few patients he thought were crazy, but he still tried to be respectful.

"Oh, good luck with them then. Hope it's not some old man that needs a prostate exam." Puffy teased him.

Bad gasped and shushed Puffy. "That's inappropriate, don't make comments like that."

Puffy rolled her eyes. "Sorry Bad, you get going before your late to your first appointment."

Bad nodded. "Good idea, see you later Puffy."

Bad walked down the hall, stopping once he got to the correct exam room. He double-checked and knocked before entering. "Hello, good morning. I hope you weren't waiting too long." He looked at his patient, not liking the unsettled and uncomfortable look on his face. It was definitely a familiar face Bad often saw on his patients that hated doctors.

Skeppy shrugged, not giving much of a reaction.

Bad sat at the desk and started logging in to his computer. "Okay, you're Skeppy right?"

Skeppy nodded.

"What's your date of birth?"

"January 17th, 2000."

Bad pulled up Skeppy's file but didn't start reading yet. He liked to ask the patients questions regarding their medical history first, then he'd fact check the information. "So, you're in here because you've been experiencing pain in your lower abdomen?"

Skeppy simply nodded again.

"Okay..." Bad flipped the page on his clipboard. "Sorry that I don't know your history, I'm gonna have a lot of questions since this is your first visit with me. How long have you been experiencing this?"

Skeppy cleared his throat to finally speak. "About three weeks now, I think..."

Bad took note of that. "Can you describe the pain to me?"

"It's more of a uncomfortable aching, it's worse than anything I've ever dealt with." Skeppy explained.

"Is that the only symptom you're experiencing? Have you noticed anything else off?" Bad was taking note of everything Skeppy said.

"My legs have been a little achy too, but it's mild compared to my abdomen." Skeppy patted his lap.

"Anything else?"

Skeppy thought about it, sighing reluctantly. "I've also been having mild dizziness and nausea...I think it could be a side effect of one of my medications."

Bad nodded, listening to Skeppy's theory. "Okay, what medications are you currently on?"

Skeppy bounced his foot nervously. "I don't know the names...I'm on stuff for anxiety and low iron levels."

"Okay, I can just check." Bad turned to face the computer.

Skeppy went pale with dread. He was ready to be verbally assaulted, and switched to a new health provider.

The Man You Are Now (Skephalo) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now