Feminine Hips?

410 33 42

TW//Persuaded Into Giving Consent/Emotional abuse

That night Bad ordered a pizza again, because he once again didn't feel like cooking a healthier meal. He ate with Skeppy while they waited for Lee to show up.

"What exactly did you tell this person? I don't want them showing up and picking a fight with me..." Bad said nervously.

Skeppy shrugged. "Said you offered to take me in because I was pissed off with him. They somewhat apologized."

"Okay...are you certain you'll feel safe with him?" Bad couldn't help but repeatedly ask that question.

"I've been dealing with his shit for years. Yeah it gets hard sometimes, but I can take it." Skeppy kept insisting to Bad that he was okay with this choice.

"Alright...but you can always change your mind. I don't want you to go back to him just because he's offering to pay for stuff. He's manipulating you." Bad pouted.

"STOP!" Skeppy snapped. "You're my doctor, not my mom. I'm going back with him, I made up my mind. I don't need to be lectured, I know it's toxic."

Bad went quiet for a second, awkwardly eating his pizza. "Sorry... don't forget your appointment on the 24th."

"I won't..."

Lee pulled up outside and honked immediately, like he didn't have the patience to wait.

"Bye!" Skeppy put down his pizza and grabbed his things.

"Uh...okay..." Bad stood up and walked him to the door. "You call me if you need me. Wether that be a health concern, or a relationship problem. I'll see you at the hospital again soon."

"Thanks, you seriously are great. I just have to go." Skeppy gave Bad an appreciative smile being leaving.

Skeppy walked to Lee's car, throwing his stuff in the back. The mood immediately changed when he got in.

"Did you have fun?" Lee asked mockingly.

Skeppy shrugged and put on his seatbelt.

"You've hit a lot of rock bottoms, but this is disgustingly low." Lee pulled out of the driveway, nearly hitting Bad's mailbox in the process. "So what's he like in bed?"

"Oh my god Lee! I didn't screw my doctor, I was just mad!" Skeppy defended himself.

"Okay" Lee rolled their eyes. "I'll make it up to you when we're home."

"No, I just want space..." Skeppy sighed.

"Space?" Lee looked over at Skeppy for a second. "I made you the man you are now. You don't get space from me. Without me you'd still be looking like a bitch."

Skeppy silenced himself and looked out the window. He didn't want to further progress this argument.


When it was time for Skeppy's next appointment, he didn't show up. Bad wouldn't of worried if he didn't know Skeppy's situation. Yet there was nothing he could do but have someone call to reschedule his appointment. He planned on calling personally when he was less busy.

Currently he was seeing one of his senior patients, and he had plenty more people to tend to after that.

"So how's the back pain?" Bad asked his patient.

"Back pain?" The patient looked confused.

"Yes, You've got back pain...at least that's what you told me last visit." Bad checked the patient file. "Is the pain gone? Are you taking your medications?"

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