Do You Still Love Them?

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The morning of the funeral came way too fast for anyone's liking. Bad paced around in the kitchen, while Puffy stood anxiously on her phone. She felt out of place attending this funeral, but Skeppy had told her she was more than welcome to come. Especially since it was most likely only going to be Bad, Skeppy, And Lee. Skeppy's family situation was complicated, and Bad's wasn't much better.

"Want to go check on him?" Puffy asked, realizing Skeppy had been in the bedroom too long.

"Uh, yeah." Bad nodded and went to the bedroom to check on his love. He knocked first, of course.

"Come in." Skeppy replied timidly.

Bad walked in and offered a forced smile. "Hey muffin, you almost ready?"

Skeppy stood up from the bed and picked up the diaper bag off the floor, and handed it to Bad. "Can you feed Salem? He's hungry."

Bad nodded. "Okay, sure..."

Skeppy got the baby doll off the bed and handed it to Bad. "I changed him, you just need to feed him. I'm just gonna...sit for a minute."

Bad cradled the baby gently. "Okay...I'm going to go feed Salem...try to be ready in 15 minutes, okay?"


"Maybe after the event we can go buy some things for Salem." Bad offered. Of course Salem didn't actually need anything, but Bad thought it might help Skeppy cope.

"Okay..." Skeppy agreed. "Do you think we could get him a new set of pajamas?"

"Sure! We can check the thrift store, maybe we can find him some cheap stuff there." Bad was not about to spend too much money on a doll. Although it was clear Skeppy was going to end up with a real baby at some point.


Bad, Skeppy, And Puffy all drove to the church in the same car. Puffy was driving, while Bad and Skeppy were in the backseat together.

"Salem needs a car seat." Skeppy said softly while holding his doll close to his chest.

"Maybe we'll find an affordable one today." Bad told him. It was getting a little weird treating the doll like a baby, but Bad didn't mind playing along for Skeppy.

"Is he sleeping good at night?" Puffy asked causally.

"Yeah, he's always sleeping..." Skeppy moved the baby doll and looked at it's face. "He's a really peaceful baby."

"That's is parenthood so far, Bad?" Puffy grinned teasingly.

"Oh it's fine...Skeppy does most of the work." He replied awkwardly.

"Oh wow, what a good father." Puffy said sarcastically. "Skeppy, don't have anymore babies with Bad, he's a lousy father."

Skeppy smiled a little, finding it hard to laugh given the circumstances. "Bad is doing a good job. He does a lot for us." Skeppy nudged Bad and handed off the doll to him. "You love our son, right?"

"Of course I do." Bad held the doll securely and gently played with the hair rooted delicately in it's head. "Did you look like this when you were a baby?"

Skeppy leaned on Bad and looked at the doll. "Yeah, kind of. Only difference is I was dressed in a lot of pink frilly stuff when I was a baby."

"Awe...that's cute though." Bad played with the doll's hands. "I think Salem would look cute in pink."

"He would..." Skeppy kissed Bad's shoulder. "Thanks for all you've done for us."

"You're welcome." Bad was going to kiss Skeppy, but noticed Puffy looking at them in the mirror. "Uh, do you mind?!"

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