Will I Still Love You?

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TW// mentions of sexual trauma

Bad and Skeppy both laid awake that night, Skeppy practically had thought bubbles bubbling out of his ears.

"Bad...can you please tell?" Skeppy pleaded. Bad still hadn't told Skeppy what was causing him so much distress during intimate times.

"Not yet, when I'm ready. I can hardly talk to Puffy about it...it's a difficult topic." Bad admitted, hoping Skeppy would leave him alone.

"I understand..." Skeppy sighed, cuddling in closer to Bad's side. "But remember you can tell me anything, I'll be here for you."

Bad smiled and played with Skeppy's hair. "Thanks muffin, I know. You're such a little sweetheart. Let's just hope that next month, I'll have it figured out...Puffy is going to try her best to help me."

Skeppy rolled over so he was fully laying on top of Bad. Then he hugged and squeezed him. "I love you so much!"

"Agh! Skeppy, I can't breath!" Bad gently pushed Skeppy off. "Relax, it's time to go to bed you hamburger."

"Say it back!" Skeppy wailed, not bothering to acknowledge the nickname. He was used to Bad calling him strange things.

"Okay, I love you!" Bad whined back and kissed Skeppy's cheek. "Now, let's try to go to bed."

"I can't fall asleep, I feel restless." Skeppy complained and moved around on the bed, trying to find a comfortable position. No matter how he laid down, he couldn't get comfortable.

Eventually Bad had enough of all Skeppy's moving around and held him in place. "Stay still Skeppy. I won't be able to fall asleep either if you keep wiggling around."

"I can't help it, I'm not comfortable!" Skeppy sprawled out, one of his legs and arms laying over Bad.

Bad pushed the limbs away and sat up with a dramatic sigh. "Do you want me to make you some sleepy tea?"

Skeppy thought about it, and nodded. "Yes...make it extra sleepy." Skeppy said cutely and sat up also.

"Oh I will. I might drug you yet." Bad said, sarcastically joking. He turned on a lamp before heading to the kitchen and flicking on the light. He began preparing Skeppy's tea the way he liked it.

After finishing the tea Bad turned off the kitchen light and headed back to the room. Only to find Skeppy spread out on the bed like a starfish, asleep.

Bad groaned and set the tea on the nightstand. "You're lucky you're cute." He mumbled under his breath while carefully moving Skeppy into another position. He definitely didn't want to wake him, but he needed to get in the bed too.

Bad drank the tea himself, being lucky enough to not wake the sleeping man. When the cup was empty, he laid back in the bed. He pulled the blanket up by his face and sighed sleepily. Finally, he felt like he could drift into peaceful sleep. He closed his eyes.

Until he felt a cold hand poking his cheek. Bad opened his eyes to see Skeppy awake again.

"Bad, I can't sleep. Where's my tea?" He whined.

"You were asleep!" Bad whisper-yelled at him. 

"You woke me up..." Skeppy whined.

"GRR!" Bad growled in frustration and hit Skeppy with his pillow. "Go to sleep or I'll throw you outside."


One Month Later

Bad walked through the front door, a cloud of disappointment followed him in. Today was his last official therapy appointment with his best friend. Yet, things still felt the same. He felt like everytime he came back, Skeppy lost more and more hope.

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