Open Relationship?

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"What the hell are you doing?!" Skeppy shouted at them.

Lya and Ted quickly pulled away from each other. Lya stood in shock as they tried to find the words to say. They ended up grabbing Skeppy, and pulling him back into the bathroom for a private moment.

"It's not what you think it is." Lya said before Skeppy could make any judgments.

"You're cheating on your partner! With an asshole too, Ted isn't that nice!" Skeppy crossed his arms.

"No- Skeppy...I really didn't want you to find out." Lya sighed and leaned against the bathroom wall. They looked down shamefully. "I don't want you to think I'm a cheating whore."

"Lya...I literally just caught you cheating!" Skeppy shook his head in disappointment.

"No, Skeppy...see me and Eric, my partner, we...we have an open relationship. We both date other people." Lya confessed, rubbing their arm nervously. "Most people don't get it, so I didn't want to tell you that Eric and I are polyamorous."

"Oh?" Skeppy calmed down, feeling like a jerk now. "I don't get it, but...I guess if you're both into that sort of thing...why Ted though? I just met the guy and he makes me uncomfortable. He misgendered you earlier."

Lya shrugged. "Honestly...Ted is just hot. Me and Ted are strictly physical."

"Right...okay..." Skeppy tried to be supportive. "You can live your life however you want, I just don't want you to get hurt..."

Lya smiled. "Thanks...I'm new to this. Ted is my first second partner...I don't plan on messing with him for don't think I'm a slut now, right?"

Skeppy shook his head quickly. "No, you're my best friend. As long as Eric is happy and consenting, do what you want."

"Thanks Skeppy...want to help me lock up?" Lya asked.

"Sure let's go...but just to lighten the good is Ted in bed?" Skeppy asked jokingly.

Lya rolled their eyes and pushed Skeppy out of the bathroom. "Get moving, pervert."

Skeppy laughed and went to help Lya lock up. He still wasn't sure how to feel about their open relationship. At least the shock made him forget about his hand.


When Skeppy got home he was so tired that he immediately went to bed and collapsed alongside his sleeping boyfriend. It only took seconds for him to fall asleep.

He woke up a couple hours later when he felt Bad cuddling into him. Skeppy gladly huddled up with him and whispered "I love you" sleepily before falling back to sleep.

When Skeppy woke up the next afternoon, Bad was gone. Skeppy had slept in since he was so exhausted. Usually he woke up when Bad did to talk with him for a bit before he left.

Skeppy yawned and stretched, looking over at Bad's side of the bed. Bad might of been gone, but there was a note left behind.

Good morning muffin!,

I know you're sleepy, so I didn't want to wake you. I checked your hand while you were asleep, and you didn't even stir. It looks okay, and I made sure to kiss it better for you. Get plenty of rest for you and baby. You have another shift tonight, don't forget.

I love you! 🖤

Skeppy sighed tiredly then smiled. At least Bad took the time to write the note. He was probably more tired than Skeppy was.

Skeppy got up and fed Lucy before letting her into the backyard. Then he started looking for breakfast for himself. He felt like he was starving. Skeppy made himself some eggs and sat on the couch to eat them. Since Bad wasn't there to lecture him about how they had a table.

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