Am I Healthy?

257 16 41

TW// Sexual Humor

4 months•

"BAAAAD!" Skeppy shrieked.

"I'm coming, hold your muffins!" Bad rushed into the bedroom with a trashcan. He held it in front of Skeppy, while he vomited into it.

"Skeppy, you've been sick for almost 4 months straight. This baby really isn't coming without a fight." Bad rubbed his lover's back.

"Yeah..." Skeppy started coughing, then he looked up at Bad with horror in his eyes.

"You okay?" Bad ran his hand through Skeppy's hair.

"Bad..." Skeppy trembled.


"You know my bladder, right?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"You know how it usually holds my pee?"

"What are you saying?"

"Bad...get me some clean clothes. I just pissed myself." Skeppy whined in embarrassment.

"Oh no..." Bad felt second hand embarrassment as he put the trash can down. "It's okay Skeppy, it happens. Go to the bathroom and clean up I'll bring you some clean clothes."

Skeppy got up and stumbled his way to the bathroom, using the wall for support.

Bad got some fresh clothes for Skeppy and knocked on the bathroom door. "Clothes delivery for Skeppy." He said cutely.

"Come in..."

Bad opened the door and walked in. Skeppy was leaning on the wall, holding his stomach. "Hey Muffin, you alright?"

"I felt the baby move...." Skeppy started to smile.

"Woah, really?" Bad threw the clothes down and rushed to Skeppy. "Do you think I could feel it?"

"It's really subtle..." Skeppy took Bad's right hand and pressed it against the lower half of his bump. "It was right there."

Bad held his breath and focused. After a couple minutes of waiting, he sighed sadly. "I don't think baby wants to do it again..."

"It's okay Bad, you'll get to feel it some other time. I'm a little scared to have the baby moving..." Skeppy didn't need a baby kicking his insides while he was already so sick. "at least I know you're okay..." Skeppy patted his stomach lovingly. "you're a jerk though...stop making me so sick." He told the baby.

"Aw..." Bad hugged his family. "You should be feeling less sick by now...maybe you should go to get a checkup and make sure you're okay."

"Noo, I don't want to be poked and prodded." Skeppy whined.

"Well we'll go to my office and I'll poke and prod you." Bad joked.

"If you do it, I'll go." Skeppy agreed.

"Oh my gosh...I can't do all your medical care forever." Bad rolled his eyes.

The Man You Are Now (Skephalo) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now