Can We Make Up?

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Bad and Skeppy ate pizza together while giving each other awkward glances from opposite sides of the couch. A Disney movie of Skeppy's choice was playing in the background.

"This is stupid, Bad just talk to me." Skeppy huffed and moved closer to the other male. "What's bothering you so much?"

Bad thought about it before putting his pizza down. "You're right Skeppy...we should talk like adults."

"So...why are you so upset?" Skeppy put an arm around him.

"I...I saw some of your messages with Lya. The things you said were awful. They really hurt my feelings." Bad started.

"You went through my phone?!" Skeppy pulled his arm back and stared at Bad in disbelief. "What the hell were you doing with my phone?!"

"What were YOU doing telling a stranger about our business? Not to mention how you admitted to them you won't still love me if I'm asexual!" Bad started an argument.

"She's not a stranger!" Skeppy defended Lya and stood up from the couch. "I was just ranting to a friend, you shouldn't have gone through my phone!"

"Friend or not, I don't appreciate what you've been saying about me! You're an adult Skeppy, you should know better." Bad stood up too and crossed his arms.

"Well sorry, I won't talk to anyone anymore!" Skeppy turned and stormed into the kitchen.

Bad followed right after him. "If you can be honest with a stranger, why can't you be honest with me? I thought we loved each other." Bad's voice cracked and got quieter.

Skeppy turned around slowly and remembered what Lya had said. "Bad...I think we need to..."

Bad saw the messages, so he knew what was coming. He shook his head slowly. "Skeppy, no. That's not the right idea."

"No Bad, this isn't a discussion. I'm breaking up with you." Skeppy turned away again and walked back to the living room.

Bad quickly followed Skeppy like a lost puppy. "you can't be serious! So it's true, you don't love me because I'm asexual?!"

Skeppy stopped and turned yet again. "I do love you...that's why I have to leave you, right? I hurt you, and you don't trust me."

Bad shook his head and eagerly pulled Skeppy into a hug. "We can work this out...please, I don't want you to go. I'm sorry for looking through your phone."

Skeppy pulled away. "I don't care that you looked through my phone. I just want to go."

"Because I'm asexual?" Bad held back his tears.

"Because we aren't a good's not fair for us," Skeppy said before walking to the bedroom to pack. The only problem was, that he didn't have many places to go.


Bad sat on the couch, crying uncontrollably while trying to control himself. He watched as Skeppy brought his things to the door. "Where are you even going?" He asked through tears.

"Lya agreed to come to get me," Skeppy said quickly, hoping Bad wouldn't process it.

"LYA?!" Bad nearly exploded with feelings. "LYA? YOU HAVEN'T MET LYA!"

"Not yet...but in about an hour, I will," Skeppy said with a timid shrug. "I'm doing this for us. I don't want to hurt you any more than this. We just can't work out."

"Is this all because I'm asexual, or all because you think we can't have a baby anymore?!" Bad shouted the question at him.

Skeppy went quiet for a few minutes and sat down on the floor by the door. "I know there's more to a relationship than sex, and I know there's more to a family than having babies...but I really want a baby."

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