Can You Give Me A Baby?

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Bad opened the door to his house, and let Skeppy step in first. They were finally back from the hospital. Unfortunately Skeppy was still very miserable, and there was still a lot of emotional pain.

"You go straight to the bed and lay down." Bad instructed Skeppy. "I'm going to go make you a light snack, and then we can watch movies, okay?"

Skeppy nodded and slowly made his way to the bedroom. His soul was numb as he crawled into the bed. Sometimes when he blinked, he still saw Rayan's face. He and Bad hadn't discussed the afterlife care for Rayan much yet. All Skeppy knew was that he was going to have Rayan cremated. Incase he ever had to move far away. He wanted his baby's remains with him.

Bad cut up some fruits and vegetables he had in the fridge. He put them neatly on a plate before bringing them to Skeppy. He had already called his boss and took time off work. He needed to be here with Skeppy. Until he was recovered physically and emotionally.

Bad walked into the room, smiling when he saw Skeppy already looking for a movie. "What are you thinking about watching?"

Skeppy shrugged. "I think I want to watch Finding Nemo..."

"Aw, I like that one." Bad got on the bed. "Here's your snack, I made it with extra love."

Skeppy rolled his eyes and picked up a slice of pineapple before putting it in his mouth.

Bad got up and turned the lights off before sitting back down. Only the TV in his room was on. "Is your pain meds still working?"

Skeppy shrugged. "I'm just really achy everywhere...I'm probably going to end up asleep."

"Go ahead and sleep if you need to." Bad said softly before making himself comfortable. He inched closer to Skeppy and put an arm around him as the movie started. "What would I do without you?"

Skeppy looked at Bad and laughed out of confusion. "what?"

"I was so lonely before you, now I'm never alone." Bad felt the need to tell Skeppy that. Since he recently realized how cruel life is. He didn't want to hold back words and feelings any longer.

"That's good?" Skeppy moved closer to Bad.

"Yes, I really enjoy your company." Bad carefully pulled Skeppy in close, making sure not to hurt him.

Skeppy nuzzled into Bad, letting his natural instinct to love take over. He had just lost a child, so he was desperate for love and care. "I love being here with you...are you going to keep helping me even though I'm not pregnant anymore?"

Bad kissed the top of Skeppy's head delicately. "Absolutely, you're mine now. I wasn't just helping you because of the baby."

Skeppy inhaled deeply, trying to not cry over the loss again. "I feel so pathetic."

"Why?" Bad quickly asked.

"The whole pregnancy I was complaining...I was miserable, I was dysphoric. I even considered an I have the audacity to cry because the baby didn't make it..." Skeppy had grown attached to his baby before he died, it seemed so unfair to him.

"Oh Skeppy...that's normal to be scared when you're pregnant. You might not of noticed, but I could tell you were becoming excited to be a dad. You have every right to be devastated. Many parents consider abortions. That doesn't make anyone pathetic." Bad lectured Skeppy, hoping to ease some of his pain.

Skeppy sniffled and hiccup, indicating that he was close to losing his composure again. "I guess you don't realize what you have until it's gone... Lee's gonna kill me, and I really just wanted to be a dad."

"Lee's going to have to kill me first." Bad promised. "and you have plenty of time to be a daddy. You just have to wait a few months before your body is ready to carry another little one."

Skeppy looked up at Bad and rubbed his eyes. "There's a small problem with that..."

"What's the problem?" Bad started playing with Skeppy's hair gently.

"I kind of need another participant..." Skeppy pointed out that he couldn't just magically get pregnant. Lee was definitely not a safe option, and Skeppy wasn't interested in actually getting back with him anyway. No matter how upset he was that their relationship didn't work out.

"For what?" Bad didn't get it at first.

"Oh my god...and you're my doctor boyfriend?" Skeppy sarcastically remarked.

"What?" Bad whined at Skeppy's tone.

"Bad, I have the uterus and the eggs...those eggs got to get fertilized somehow." Skeppy said it in a way that wouldn't get him languaged.

"Oh...right." Bad chuckled. "When the time comes, you can get a donor."

Skeppy went quiet for a second before laughing softly. "Oh my god, you're such a virgin."

"WHAT?" Bad yelped.

"You express that you love me, but you expect me to get a donor? Really?" Skeppy tilted his head. "It's a lot cheaper if you just give me one of your babies."

Bad turned bright red. "E-Excuse me! You want me..." Bad pointed at himself, then pointed to Skeppy. "To get you pregnant?"

Skeppy shrugged. "I want another baby one day, and you're the only one I trust that has the baby making juice."

"Ew...I'd rather you use the technical terms." Bad cringed, but squeezed Skeppy in his arms gently. "Maybe one day when we're both ready, we can think about...taking that step in life together."

Skeppy moved so he was practically in Bad's lap. "Do you promise you'll think about it? No pressure but... I don't think I'll be okay again until I have a feminine as that makes me feel."

Bad let Skeppy sit in his lap, he just made sure Skeppy was comfortable and not in pain. "I promise I'll think about I said, it will be awhile before your body is in good condition to hold a baby again. Also...this is a big decision. I do like the idea of kids, but me and you have only started our relationship recently."

Skeppy sighed and laid against Bad's shoulder. "Good's probably just my grief talking. Regardless if we have a baby one day or not, I want to be with you."

Bad smiled and kissed Skeppy's cheek. "I want to be with you too, muffin. You're the first man I've ever fell for."

"You're the first doctor I've fell for." Skeppy giggled.

Bad rolled his eyes and started to pay attention to the movie. "You're the first muffinhead I fell for."

"You're the first white man I fell for." Skeppy threw back.

"Oh my goodness." Bad groaned. "What's that got to do with anything?"

"I'm brown and think I trust white people often?" Skeppy shook his head. "People were mean even when I identified as my assigned gender."

"Oh..." Bad kissed his cheek a couple times in a row. "I will never care about that. I love your brown skin, you're so handsome."

"Oh people like my skin, they think it's hot. They however don't like the culture that comes with it..." Skeppy laughed awkwardly.

"Oh...I'm sorry. Well I'm an open-minded person. I don't mind if you tell me all about it." Bad paused the movie. Clearly they weren't going to pay attention to it anyway.

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