Why'd You Do This?

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TW// Emotional abuse and Transphobia

"What do you plan on doing, huh? The police don't care about me." Skeppy followed Bad out to his car.

"I'm going to go give Lee a little house visit...I need to give him some care instructions." Bad got in his car and put the window down. "If he attacks me, that'll be a plus."

Skeppy shook his head. "No, he's going to freak out!"

"Good, I want them to have a reason to arrest him!" Bad started his car. "Cone on, let's go sort out your lame excuse of a partner."

Skeppy huffed and got in his own car. To be honest he was wondering if Bad could actually talk some sense into his partner. Though that would be too good to be true.


When they arrived at Lee's house, Skeppy stayed in his car. He did not want to be in the middle of whatever was about to happen.

Bad walked up to the front door and knocked, trying to remain professional for the time being.

Lee opened the door, definitely not expecting to see Skeppy's doctor. "Uh, hello? Skeppy's not home." He didn't notice Skeppy in the driveway.

"Oh really? Could I talk to you then?" Bad smiled to hide the fact that he wanted to give Lee a hard smack across the face.

"Sure?" Lee let Bad come inside. "What's this about then?"

"Oh I was just coming to discuss a couple things, you can give the message to Skeppy." Bad's smile was so fake that it hurt.

"Yeah, what's up?" Lee sighed and rushed Bad to hurry up and speak.

"Well I just wanted to remind him that he can't have alcohol, or any non-prescribed drugs." Bad started normally.

"Yeah that's pretty fucking obvious, what else?" Lee was annoyed to have Bad in his house.

"Mmf...Also, he has to refrain from having rough and unsafe sex. That includes kinks like...knife play." Bad assumed that was the correct term.

That was way too specific for Lee to ignore. "How do you know that? Did he tell you anything?"

Bad shook his head. "No, just being general."

Lee laughed and rubbed his face. "I knew it, you two are fucking. Can't you get fired for sleeping with patients?"

"Woah! Don't talk that way to me. I would never do that with a patient, that's not only illegal but morally wrong. I'm just stating that that type of activity is dangerous since he's pregnant." Bad clenched his fists and held back the urge to punch Lee in his cocky face.

"You think I'm dumb? He stayed at your house overnight, people don't do that with their doctors! You're sick, you're taking advantage of my boyfriend!" Lee twisted things around, trying to gaslight Bad into feeling like the bad guy.

"HE WAS AFRAID OF YOU!" Bad shouted defensively.

"Afraid of me? I haven't done anything to him, he's delusional. All the pregnancy hormones are making him overreact." Lee tried to keep up the good guy role.

Skeppy walked through the door, he couldn't leave Bad with Lee alone after all. "Hey?"

Lee looked at Skeppy with a murderous stare. "Darling, your doctor is here to fuck you again."

"Oh my god, stop!" Skeppy slammed the door behind himself. "Lee, I wouldn't cheat on you!"

"Course you would, being pregnant has turned you into a hormonal slut." Lee said boldly, not understanding how close Bad was to snapping.

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