You Like Me?

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Bad and Skeppy spent the day how Bad had promised. Currently they sat on the couch watching 'The Little Mermaid' while Skeppy had a full jar of pickles in his lap.

"This movie is kind of weird. Why would a mermaid want a human man? Humans don't even want human men." Bad joked lightheartedly, while looking at Skeppy.

"I don't know, shut up." Skeppy shushed Bad so he could enjoy the movie.

Bad went quiet and tried to watch the movie. He couldn't help but look at Skeppy. Skeppy was rather good looking to him, but he still denied anything special between them. He didn't want Puffy to be right, he didn't want to like Skeppy. Skeppy was his patient, he was just being nice. He thought it would be disgusting to develop a romantic fondness for a pregnant patient.

"Why are you looking at me?" Skeppy huffed and held out the jar of pickles. "Want one?"

"Gross, no." Bad chuckled, then got a bit more serious. "I wanted to talk to you about something actually."

"What?" Skeppy's heart started racing. He hated when anyone got serious and said they needed to talk. It made him feel like he did something wrong and needed to fix it.

"I just..." Bad didn't actually know how to begin the conversation. "I just wanted to restate that I'm doing this out of sympathy, because we're friends...friends, you know?"

"Yeah?" Skeppy squinted his eyes at Bad in confusion.

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't starting to get the wrong know...I woke up with my arm around you, and I didn't mean to do that. I must have done it in my sleep. I'm sorry if I misled you." Bad was burning red while talking. He was a doctor, he was used to difficult conversations. Yet it was hard to tell Skeppy he didn't like him romantically, because it was a lie. Bad found Skeppy very appealing. Physically and emotionally. Sure he was whiny, but he was fun to be around.

"Oh, sorry..." Skeppy laughed awkwardly. "I should apologize. I actually put your arm over me at some point. I was having a panic attack, and I was pretending you were Lee..."

Bad's face twisted into surprise, and then softened. "Oh um...That's fine. Why didn't you wake me up?"

"Well I figured you needed sleep, I didn't want to be a problem after everything, you know?" Skeppy shrugged. "I know this is just professional, and we're friends."

"Okay, no worries. I understand, last night was's your head feel now?" Bad asked.

"Still sore, but I'm coping...the baby moving is more uncomfortable." Skeppy replied honestly and rubbed his stomach. "Can I ask you a hypothetical?"

"Sure?" Bad agreed.

"If I wasn't your patient, would you take me on a date?" Skeppy looked down timidly.

"Excuse me?" Bad's Whole body tensed up, his inner self wanted to say yes. "That's kind of an inappropriate question..."

"No, not trying to be inappropriate I swear! I'm just feeling really insecure and gross today. I guess I just want to know if you think I'm ugly?" Skeppy reshaped the question so it was less awkward.

Bad shook his head quickly. "No, of course not. You're not ugly. I'm not gay, but you're definitely my idea of an attractive guy."

Skeppy's world crumbled and suddenly he didn't want to be in the room anymore. He set aside the jar of pickles and sat in disbelief. He definitely found Bad attractive too, but now he felt like there was literally no chance Bad would want him. No matter the circumstance.

"You okay?" Bad noticed how pained Skeppy looked.

"Sorry..." Skeppy covered his face, the baby driven emotions were back. He shamefully started crying, all because a man he thought was attractive said he wasn't gay.

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