Can I Do Anything?

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TW// Mentions of Transphobia

"I'm sorry baby." Bad whispered while placing a heating pad over Skeppy's stomach.

"Shoot me!" Skeppy whined.

"Shh, the advil should kick in soon." Bad ruffled Skeppy's hair and pulled the clean blanket back over him. "I'm going to go back to Puffy. I'll be back in to check on you in ten minutes."

"Can you turn the fan on?" Skeppy continued to whine.

Bad turned on the fan and moved it closer to Skeppy. "Is that good?"

"Mhm...thank you."

"No problem. You have your phone, Text me if you don't want to try calling out to me." Bad told him before leaving. He went back outside and sat at the small porch table.

"Is he alive?" Puffy asked.

"Yeah, just experiencing really bad period cramps. I gave him medicine and a heating pad. I'm sure he'll be okay." Bad picked up his glass and sipped.

"Mn...okay, where were we?" Puffy refilled her wine glass. "Something about Skeppy and his miscarriage."

They were outside, so Skeppy couldn't hear them if they talked quietly. However the room window was open. So if Skeppy shouted, they'd be sure to hear it.

"Yeah um..." Bad sighed. "I think the only reason he wants another baby is because he feels he thinks having another baby will fix the hurt and trauma."

"What makes you think that?" Puffy listened.

"Well...Skeppy didn't want to get pregnant in the beginning. I just don't understand how someone goes from wanting an abortion and crying, to wanting a baby. Like...he seemed to switch up after the miscarriage, and act like that was a planned pregnancy that he really wanted." Bad explained.

"Okay... I understand what you're saying." Puffy nodded. "But maybe the miscarriage made him realize how much he actually liked being pregnant. Maybe it made him rethink his feelings."

"Maybe...right before his miscarriage he did seem to enjoy having a baby..." Bad acknowledged.

"There you go. Maybe he realized after awhile that he actually wants to have a baby..." Puffy sipped her wine slowly. "But regardless of why Skeppy wants another it safe to assume this greatly affects you?"

"Well... I'm kind of like...the one that has to give him the baby." Bad turned bright red.

Puffy burst out into laughter, it was a good thing she didn't have any wine in her mouth. "Oh my god, Bad!"


"I can't even imagine you kissing Skeppy-!" Puffy wheezed and tried to compose herself.

"It's not that funny..." Bad insisted.

"Right- okay." Puffy let out a couple more giggles. " you want to have a baby with Skeppy?"

"I don't know...our relationship has only just gotten serious. I really adore Skeppy, he makes me so happy. I just don't know if we're ready to have a baby together anytime soon at all. We need to grow more as a couple first. Not to mention, I think Skeppy needs to work on himself. As soon as he graduated highschool Lee entered his life. He's 25 now. Used to staying at home all the time while his partner takes care of everything. Lee was abusive, but still Skeppy stayed at home and did minimal work."

"Are you saying Skeppy is spoiled or lazy?"

"No! I don't want to say that, exactly. He's helped do little tasks around the house before, he offers help. He can be whiny, but he appreciates things. I would just like if maybe he focused on himself for a couple more years. Maybe get a job."

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