Is He Dead?

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Skeppy finished buttoning up his pajama shirt and crawled into bed. He waited for Bad to be done changing, then Bad came into the room to join him.

"You want me to sleep in the bed again, right?" Bad asked timidly.

Skeppy nodded and pulled back the blanket for Bad. "Can you rub my stomach for a couple minutes?"

Bad got on the bed and pulled the blankets up. "I'm really tired Skeppy, not tonight."

Skeppy immediately felt personally attacked. He laid down and turned away from Bad. "Okay, sorry."

Bad turned out the lights and fluffed his pillows before laying down. He closed his eyes and started to fall asleep quickly thanks to his exhausting shift.

Skeppy curled up the best he could without disturbing his baby bump. He covered his mouth to stop any sounds. There were tears in his eyes, but he couldn't control them. He was convinced Bad hated him, didn't even like him. Pregnancy hormones were going to be the death of him. Thankfully they wouldn't be around long.

Bad caught on to the mood change, because he could faintly feel the bed shivering. "Are you okay?"

"No..." Skeppy whined.

Bad sat up and inched closer to him. "What's wrong?"

Skeppy uncovered his mouth and started full on crying. "I just wanted a belly rub."

"Oh my gosh-" Bad put his hand on Skeppy's side. "Lay on your back then."

"No, you're mad!" Skeppy curled tighter more.

"I'm not mad, why do you think I'm mad?" Bad rubbed his own eyes. "I'm barely awake, I'm sorry."

Skeppy sniffled and untucked himself. "It was just a little belly rub, why'd you have to say no?"

Bad stared at Skeppy, feeling like he was dealing with a sleep deprived toddler. Regardless, Bad understood that Skeppy was experiencing I lot of new moods. "Shh, I am so sorry." Bad used the blanket to wipe Skeppy's face. "Stop crying sweetie, I'll rub your stomach. Lay on your back."

Skeppy rolled onto his back and looked at Bad. "You should give me belly rubs all the time. I'm growing a tiny human."

"Yes, I understand." Bad laid on his side beside Skeppy and rubbed his stomach for ten minutes. Unfortunately after that he fell asleep, his hand still on the bump.

Skeppy passive aggressively took Bad's hand off his stomach, and moved away from Bad. Thankfully for the both of them Skeppy fell asleep before he could create more fuss.


Bad got up the next morning and went about his usual morning routine. Skeppy seemed to be asleep, so he didn't disturb him.

It wasn't until Bad was almost ready to leave for the day, then Skeppy let out a loud scream. Loud enough to make Lucy start barking defensively.

Bad ran into the room, completely horrified by the sound Skeppy just let out. "Oh my gosh, What's wrong?!"

Skeppy was sitting up on the bed, holding his stomach tightly. He didn't speak, he just shivered.

"Skeppy?" Bad walked over and sat on the bed. He put one of his hands on Skeppy's shoulder to let him know he wasn't alone. "What's going on muffin, tell me."

Skeppy teared up and chewed on his bottom lip, trying to cope. "It hurts."

"What hurts?" Bad put his other hand over Skeppy's stomach that he was holding so passionately. "Your belly?"

Skeppy nodded quickly.

"Okay...can you tell me exactly where the pain is?" Bad remained calm, knowing it was likely just Skeppy being dramatic.

Skeppy moved his hands, pointing to the general area that was hurting the most. "There somewhere, I don't know!" The pain had woke Skeppy up from his sleep, so he was a little dissociated from the world. "What's wrong with me?"

"Calm down." Bad hushed him and felt around on his stomach. "Can you feel baby moving?"

"No, poor thing is probably trying to sleep." Skeppy huffed.

"When's the last time you felt the baby moving?" Bad's anxiety levels went up slightly, but he was being professional about it.

"I don't know? Last night sometime." Skeppy hadn't really been keeping track.

"Okay well my recommendation would be to monitor any movements your baby makes and set up an appointment for as soon as possible." Bad being Skeppy's doctor, couldn't just tell him to call his doctor.

"How do I stop the pain?" Skeppy cried, still holding his stomach.

Bad rubbed Skeppy's back comfortingly. "Is it really that bad?"

"It's so bad!" Skeppy yelped, starting to convince Bad that this wasn't just a dramatic episode.

"Can you describe the pain to me?" Bad asked finally.

"It's like...the world's worst period cramps. I know you don't know what that's like, but it HURTS. It's like period pain on crack!" Skeppy tried to explain in a way that would accurately portray his pain.

"Shit..." Bad swore, startling himself and Skeppy. He wasn't a colorful language user on a normal day. "That could be your uterus contracting."

"BAD" Skeppy looked at him in disbelief that he just swore, a mild swear but still. "Is it that serious?"

Bad wanted to not say his honest opinion, but it was Skeppy's body. He deserved to know what could be happening to it. " COULD be a miscarriage but I don't know. I need you to go to the bathroom and see if you're bleeding or passing any blood clots and tissue."

"What?! No!" That's the last thing Skeppy wanted to hear.

"I know you're upset, but I need you to check yourself. I can turn around if you don't want to move." Bad was using his stern medical voice and Skeppy hated it.

"Turn" Skeppy sniffled and pulled his pants down once Bad was turned away from him.

Bad practiced a healthy breathing pattern, trying to relax himself. All he could hear was the ruffling of clothing, but Skeppy was silent. Bad accidentally turned around prematurely when Skeppy let out a sharp gasp. "What's wrong?!"

Skeppy didn't even care, he just covered his mouth. His bottoms still pulled halfway down his legs.

Bad looked up at the ceiling, still having basic respect. "Skeppy, is it bad? Is there blood?"

Skeppy just whined in response, he was speechless.

"Can I have a quick look?" Bad reluctantly asked. Thankfully he didn't end up needing to invade Skeppy's privacy.

" I just got a heavy period." Skeppy whimpered out a response so Bad wouldn't have to be invasive yet.

Bad's blood pressure raised from stress. It was like all those years of medical school taught him nothing. He didn't know how to act professional right now. "We need to get you to the hospital!"

"Bad, is my baby dead?!" Skeppy asked bluntly in a whiny tone.

Bad looked down at Skeppy but looked away again when he realized he was still in a vulnerable state. "Pull your pants up. I'll take you to the hospital, don't panic."

"That wasn't an answer!" Skeppy cried.

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