Baby Shower?

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TW// Sexual humor

Skeppy was officially two months pregnant. He was still pretty sick. He only had about three hours a day where he was feeling okay. His whole body was aching, and he was easily irritated. Regardless, he tried to be positive and excited.

Skeppy was watching TV when he heard the front door swing open. "I'm home!" His boyfriend called out.

Skeppy didn't get up due to a wave of nausea. He just waited for Bad to walk into the living room.

"Hey Muffin, how are you doing?" Bad walked over to the couch and sat down with an exhausted sigh.

"Fucking awful." Skeppy moved over and leaned on Bad. "everything hurts, and I can't eat again."

Bad rubbed Skeppy's shoulders. "I'm sorry. Our little mini muffin is causing so much trouble."

"I just want them to be born so I can hold them. I don't even care if I'm still sick after." Skeppy groaned.

"I know...we still have a long wait yet. Have you thought about your birth plan?" Bad asked.

"Yes, actually...but I don't think you'll agree." Skeppy looked up at Bad.

"I'm not the one giving birth Skeppy. Just tell me what you want." Bad smiled at him.

"Can I give birth here?" Skeppy pouted.

"On the couch?" Bad accidentally laughed.

"No!" Skeppy huffed. "Not on the couch, but at home."

"You want to give birth at home?" Bad knew that was a pretty common thing, he just didn't feel confident with that idea. "Skeppy, that's not the safest. I mean what if something went wrong and you needed an emergency C-section? You'd have to wait for an ambulance to show up and...I don't know."

"I knew you'd disagree!" Skeppy moved away.

"Skeppy...I'm not trying to upset you. I'm just concerned. There's a lot more risks when giving birth at home." Bad thought of all the possibilities.

"I know, but I would be more comfortable...I think it could work." Skeppy pouted.

"Well, we can talk about it a bit more before you decide...I mean we'll need time to find a good midwife to help deliver the baby." Bad really didn't like the idea, but tried to be supportive.

"No, no midwife. Just you, me, and our baby." Skeppy leaned back into Bad.

"What do you mean? Who's going to assist you in childbirth?" Bad didn't get it.

"You." Skeppy rolled his eyes.

"Me? Skeppy, I am not a certified midwife. I can't deliver our baby!" Bad protested.

"So if we were stranded somewhere and I went into labor, you wouldn't be able to deliver my baby?" Skeppy asked sarcastically.

"That's different. I COULD deliver the baby if it was the only option. I just...I wouldn't feel comfortable being responsible for you and the baby during birth." Bad wouldn't be able to live if something happened to Skeppy or the baby, at his fault.

"Bad, I'm really set on this. I want to give birth at home with you. We live close to the hospital. If something did go wrong, I could get there quickly." Skeppy picked up one of Bad's hands and squeezed it. "please? I would feel a lot more at ease. I trust you to take care of me."

Bad went silent before nodding. He kissed Skeppy's forehead. "I'll...look into it."

"Good...the baby shower is tomorrow by the way. Incase you forgot." Skeppy reminded him.

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