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TW// Obsessive vomiting

•This chapter contains the character "Technoblade" 👑•

Skeppy drove around in nervous circles, clearly he was only bluffing when he said he was going to take Bad to the hospital. He couldn't help but be afraid Bad would be taken away from him and be put in a facility full of crazy people. He loved Bad and wanted him to feel better, but he didn't want him to be taken away.

"You took the wrong turn again." Bad mumbled from the passenger seat.

"Sorry, I hate driving." Skeppy used his hatred for driving as an excuse. "Are we going to talk about this?"

"Talk about what?" Bad played dumb.

"You know what I'm talking about. This needs to be sorted out so we can focus on the baby." Skeppy desperately wanted Bad to get back to normal.

"I'm just stressed out, I'll be okay." Bad insisted.

"Bad how would you feel if you walked in on me holding a gun? It's traumatizing! You can't just say you'll be okay, and expect that to fix everything." Skeppy pulled over and parked on the side of the road. "When you get home call someone to keep the gun for you. I don't care who, I just don't want it in the house."

"I'm sorry..." Bad whispered. "I promise the gun will stay with someone else. Does that help you feel better?"

"Not really...I know this isn't about me, but I need you. It feels like you don't even care. You don't hug and kiss me when I get home from work. You hardly talk to me." Skeppy expressed his feelings, hoping Bad would care.

Bad reached over and held Skeppy's hand. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to make you feel like that. I've just been feeling overwhelmed. I guess I just haven't had the energy to be myself."

"Can you just talk to me? It can't just be the patient that is upsetting you this much." Skeppy squeezed his hand.

"Okay..." Bad sighed. "It is more than the patient. I'm stressed about everything. The baby, my job, we have to move...what if we can't find a house close to the hospital?"

"Well we haven't even looked yet. You can't worry yet." Skeppy shook his head. "I'm sure we can find something. We have some time. Plus, it's not like we NEED to move immediately. If we can't find anything, we can stay in the current house. We can keep the baby in our room. I'm sure we could find a house by the time they grow up enough to need their own space."

"I guess you're right..." Bad thought about what Skeppy said. "It's just hard to wrap my head around this. We're having a baby, an actual baby."

"Yeah?" Skeppy chuckled awkwardly. "You're excited, right?"

"Yeah, I mean..."

Skeppy's heart froze as he stared at Bad with disbelief. "'re excited, right?"

"More like...happily terrified?" Bad looked away, not wanting to face the judgment.

"Happily terrified? What? Bad! Please tell me you're not having second thoughts. The baby is literally already growing." Skeppy let go of Bad's hand.

"I have no regrets!" Bad defended himself quickly. "I wouldn't change anything, Skeppy. I'm just...unsure that I'm going to be a good dad."

"Are you kidding me? If anything I'll be the shit father. You're going to be amazing." Skeppy held Bad's hand again and softened his expression. "It'll work out Bad. This little baby is going to love you. I love you, so please try to move forward."

The Man You Are Now (Skephalo) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now