Will You Marry Me?

280 18 67

This chapter contains the character "Technoblade"

TW// Sexual humor

"God dammit!" Puffy huffed as she once again lost at monopoly. She kept almost winning, then Techno would always end up on top.

"Suck it, nerd!" Techno chuckled and leaned back in his chair.

"Lya, can I have another cupcake?" Skeppy whined.

"You had like 6 and you're only eating the frosting." Lya rolled their eyes.

"I know, but please..." Skeppy pouted.

"You're going to give yourself a bad stomach." Bad told him and helped Lya set up the monopoly again. They were playing normal games instead of baby related games that involved guessing genders, or coming up with names. Skeppy loved his baby, but he wanted his mind taken off the pregnancy for now.

"I feel sick all the time anyway..." Skeppy groaned.

"No more cupcakes." Bad kissed Skeppy's cheek.

"You're a bitch..." Skeppy mumbled.

"Hey! Excuse me?! Language!" Bad scolded Skeppy.

"Hey Skeppy, language. You can't swear like that when you have a baby." Puffy teased.

"Oh trust me, the baby is going to hear worse words than that. Especially when they are being born." Skeppy told them.

"Pfft....I can imagine you in the hospital, birthing a full human. While cursing and Bad keeps screaming language at you." Puffy giggled.

"Skeppy can swear as much as you wants when he's giving birth." Bad could definitely justify swearing in that situation.

"Really? I'm going to say the worst swears I can think of." Skeppy joked.

"Mmf, fine. It's only okay because I know you'll be in a lot of pain." Bad sighed.

"Whatever..." Skeppy rubbed his stomach. "Are we playing monopoly again?"

"Unless you want to do something else?" Said Lya.

"Mn...I don't know I have a headache." Skeppy complained.

"Hey darling, let's go outside to get you some fresh air." Bad stood up and pulled out Skeppy's chair. Lya, Eric, Puffy, and Technoblade all fidgeted excitedly in their seats. "let's go outside to get you some fresh air." Was the code phrase to let the others know it was time for the proposal.

While Bad and Skeppy were outside chatting, the others set the mood. They turned out the lights, and lit candles around that were provided by Puffy. Then they turned on "I Won't Give Up" By Jason Mraz. Which is what Bad requested. He never told Skeppy, but that song reminded him of him. It wasn't a fancy proposal by all means, but Bad knew Skeppy didn't care much for causing a scene.

When all was ready, the group hid in the kitchen so they didn't interrupt. Lya texted Bad, letting him know everything was ready.

"Let's go in, it's getting cold." Bad said causally and took Skeppy's hand. Bad was trembling. His mind was racing with a billion thoughts. Like what if he disappointed Skeppy? What if Skeppy wanted to be proposed to differently? What if none of it felt special? Bad was taken from his thoughts when they walked inside, and Skeppy spoke. "What's going on? All the lights are off."

"That's odd..." Bad stopped in the middle of the living room. In the dim lightening, only his boyfriend stood out to him. He grabbed Skeppy's other hand. "I love this song, let's dance!"

"Why? Where are the others?" Skeppy asked, but Bad was already trying to lead him into a dance. Skeppy complied and danced slowly with Bad. Getting pure butterflies in his stomach when Bad pulled him in closer. "Mn...what's going on?" Skeppy giggled.

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