Unconditional Love?

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Skeppy sat on the bed with his arms crossed. He didn't lock the door because he wanted Bad to chase him, which Bad did.

"Skeppy, I didn't mean to upset you. Come here baby." Bad sat on the edge of the bed and opened his arms.

"You think I'm just a hormonal bitch, don't you?!"

"Ah, language!" Bad grabbed Skeppy and pulled him over. "I didn't mean it to sound mean. You're menstruating though, so it's normal to be a little hormonal and compulsive."

"It's still sexist even if I identify as a man, Bad." Skeppy huffed.

"I didn't mean it like that!" Bad insisted. "I just don't want you to make this major decision until you've really thought it through, okay? That's all!"

"Hm..." Skeppy got on Bad's lap and cuddled into him. "I just want a baby, okay? You talked about wanting me to work on myself. The thing is... I can't become who I want, I can't be fulfilled, until I've had my baby. In order to achieve my biggest goal, I need to do things to my body. Things that permanently take away my ability to have kids. So the sooner I have my baby, the sooner I become myself."

Bad hadn't thought about it like that, so he really felt different now. "Oh... I didn't think about that. So you just want to have a baby, even if it isn't yours?"

"Preferably I would have my own baby that I can keep. I can settle for being a surrogate though. I just want to bring a life into the world before I lose that ability." Skeppy explained truthfully.

"Oh...well maybe we should do a lot of thinking. About us, and if we think we're going to be forever." Bad wrapped his arms around Skeppy. "I love you. I'd like to have a family. I'm just scared that you'll have regrets. We haven't even been together for a year."

"What about you, would you have regrets?" Skeppy asked.

"No, very unlikely. I have accomplished my goal of being a doctor. I live comfortably. I have known for a couple years I'm ready for a family." Bad rubbed Skeppy's back. "I would love to have a little muffin with you, you seem like you'd be a great dad. I just think...we at least need to wait until we've been together for a year. If at the first year mark, we're still in love, and we still want a family. Then at that point I think we can do it."

"That's a long wait." Skeppy pouted.

"But it's fair, right? We don't want to have a baby then regret it. That's not fair to the baby." Bad kissed Skeppy's cheek. "Come on, we just need to focus on us. Then when we've hit our first anniversary, we can make the final decision. That's still a lot sooner than most couples decide to have a baby."

"Okay...I think I can do it. I'll get in lots of practice with Salem." Skeppy decided.

"Yes, good idea. We'll both practice." Bad kissed Skeppy again. "Now come out and finish your breakfast before Puffy eats it."

One Year Anniversary Time Skip
We Ain't Got Time To Wait

Puffy sat down next to Technoblade in the staff room and sighed. "These last couple days have felt so lonely."

"Bad's coming back today, isn't he?" Technoblade asked.

"Supposed to be, but if he is, he's running late." Puffy sipped on her coffee. "I have an early appointment to get to. If he shows up when I'm gone, get the juicy details for me."

"Juicy details?" Techno tilted his head.

"He's been on vacation with Skeppy for a week now. There's gotta be juicy information. Plus, they're celebrating a year of being together!" Puffy was excited for them, and even more excited to get the hot gossip from Bad.

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