Can I Go Home?

362 31 17

TW//Mentions of self harm and persuaded consent

Skeppy actually did show up to his next appointment, although he had to lie and say he was going to pick up groceries. Lee was obsessively jealous over the doctor. Skeppy did find Bad more appealing than Lee, but he wasn't about to throw it all away for his doctor he just started seeing.

"lay back please." Bad instructed Skeppy carefully. He watched Skeppy lay down on the bed comfortably. "Okay, bring your knees up. This will only take a second."

"What's this test even for?" Skeppy pouted as he raised his knees. The gown he was wearing left nothing unexposed.

"It tests for cervical cancer. Typically you would of had this done at your first appointment...but there's no problem doing it now that you're more comfortable." Bad smiled, trying to keep the safe atmosphere in the room. "Want me to explain it to you again?" Bad asked while putting a blanket over Skeppy for extra comfort.

"Yeah..." Skeppy nodded.

"Alright, so what I'm going to do is take this..." Bad picked up the packaged swab and showed it to Skeppy. "And I'm going to insert it into your cervix and twist it a couple times. I won't use the speculum, but I just want to warn you the test will be less accurate without it."

Skeppy's stomach tightened in anxious knots, even though he was told this already. "I don't care, is it going to hurt?"

"Well..." Bad shrugged. "I've obviously never had one. I haven't performed one since med school. Based on my experience back then, it seems to be mixed. Some people only feel a bit of pressure and discomfort, some said it hurt like a muffin."

Skeppy laughed to keep himself for crying. "Great, wonderful, fantastic..."

"Are you ready now?" Bad asked patiently.

"I don't know..." Skeppy sat up right. "I don't think I'm ready...but I know I need to do this."

Bad frowned and put the swab down. "I understand, I imagine it must be really uncomfortable and embarrassing. People with cervixes don't get enough credit. Are you worried about the pain or the exposure?"

"Both, obviously..." Skeppy fidgeted with the thin blanket.

"I will do it as gentle and careful as I can, and I promise there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I've seen more genitals than a professional adult film maker. I know it feels like doctors are judging your genitals, but that's the last thing we're thinking about while doing your exam."

Skeppy laughed again and sighed softly. He felt safe with this doctor. He trusted Bad not to hurt or scare him. "Okay, I think I'm ready..." He laid back and got into position.

"Alright, you got this." Bad encouraged him. "I'll warn you before I do each step. Let me know if I'm hurting you. I'll stop, no questions asked."


When it was over Skeppy sat up and crossed his arms. "How are you legally allowed to do that unmedicated?!" He was upset, it hurt a lot more than he expected.

"It's not supposed to hurt that bad, I'm sorry." Bad apologized and changed his gloves. "It's all done now, you did good. I just have one concern..."

Skeppy's eyes widened. "Is there something wrong down there? Am I going to die?" He asked dramatically.

"No, no! We'll talk about it when I get back from the lab. You wait right here." Bad stepped out of the room for a couple minutes.

Skeppy sat on the bed and started over thinking. His first thought was that Bad was implying he might have cervical cancer, maybe an STI. Lee slept around after all, though they always denied it. Then it dawned on Skeppy, and the life left his eyes.

He got off the bed and started to dress himself. Bad had forgot to tell him to get dressed again, but Skeppy was going to do it regardless. After folding the gown, he laid it on the exam table so Bad could find it easily. Skeppy didn't plan on sticking around.

Before he could open the door, Bad came back. He was awfully fast, like he expected Skeppy to sneak off. "Where are you going?" Bad tilted his head.

"Home?" Skeppy said innocently.

"Just a minute." Bad sat down at the desk and pushed his glasses up. "Sit down if it's more comfortable for you."

Skeppy shook his head. "No, sitting hurts more. Since you scraped my fucking insides."

"Shh, language." Bad sighed and apologized again. "I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting it to hurt that bad. I'm not experienced in reproductive health. I just want to know where those cuts on your legs came from, then you can go home."

Skeppy shrugged. "I don't have to tell you, it has nothing to do with my pregnancy."

"I wasn't born yesterday. The fact that you don't have a straightforward answer tells me exactly where they came from." Bad got a sticky note and started writing down a number.

"I have no idea what you're going on about..."

Bad reached over and stuck the sticky note on Skeppy's stomach lightheartedly. "Oh yeah? Call that number, make yourself an appointment. My therapist of choice is Dr. Puffy but she's rightfully busy. Try that one and see how it works out..."

Skeppy took the sticky note and rolled his eyes. "I don't need a therapist, I didn't cut myself. What's cutting myself going to fix? If I were to do that, I would of slit my wrists instead."

Bad gave Skeppy a strange look, confused by his reaction. "Well where else would cuts like that come from?"

"My cat, duh." Skeppy said mockingly. "Can I go now."

"Skeppy, those did not come from a cat. I'm not judging you. A lot of people harm themselves when they're overwhelmed." Bad stood up and walked to the door with him. "You can go home if you want, but please make an appointment with a therapist. You can go find your own if you want, it's up to you. I care about you."

Skeppy opened the door. "I don't need a damn therapist! I need a new partner!"

Bad took the handle from Skeppy and shut the door again. "Skeppy...did Lee do that to you?"

Skeppy backed up and sat back on the bed. "Yeah, but it's not your business!"

"Woah, he's really hurting you! Did you call the police again?" Bad was horrified to find out Skeppy's partner was cutting him.

"It's not abuse. He has a knife kink, ever heard of a fetish?" Skeppy huffed.

Bad turned a little red, he couldn't help but be a bit flustered. "Huh? Who would- why- That doesn't seem like a healthy sex habit-"

"You're not supposed to judge, just get over it..." Skeppy whined, wanting to go home so he didn't have to face the fact that he was still being abused by his baby's other parent.

"Did you consent to that?" Bad asked, coming off a little judgmental by accident.

Skeppy paused, and shrugged. "I mean...I didn't say they couldn't do it..."

"That's not consent Skeppy, oh my goodness!" Bad reached into his coat and pulled out his phone. He kept it on him for emergencies, like these.

"What are you doing?" Skeppy panicked.

"Calling my boss, telling him I need the rest of the day off. I only had two more appointments anyway. Not important, I can cancel them." Bad explained.

"Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't-" Skeppy wanted a happier and more comfortable life, but he was scared to have Bad interfering all the time. Lee wasn't a friendly enemy.

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