Are You Mad?

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Two months later

"I really am worried about him." Bad said softly while eating the salad he had packed for his lunch.

"Yeah, I understand why." Puffy responded, eating the McDonald's she had bought because she forget to pack a lunch. "Do you talk to him about your concerns?"

"Sort of, but I don't want to make him feel like a burden or that I don't lo-" Bad paused and looked around the room. It wasn't safe to talk about another man romantically. "That I don't think he's a good friend."

Puffy nodded, dipping her chicken nugget in her sauce before letting out a sigh. "I'd give you some advice but...I pay by the hour." She was obviously playing.

Bad rolled his eyes. "Do you work tomorrow?"

"No, do you work?"

"No...I'm off all weekend."

"So am I!" Puffy celebrated by eating the nugget. "You planning something?"

"I was going to bribe you with wine." Bad confessed jokingly.

"Okay that's not fair. When I have too much wine I spill all kinds of deep philosophical stuff. You don't get that without paying." Puffy stuck out her tongue and threw a fry at Bad.

Bad caught it and threw it back at her. "You're supposed to give me free advice."

"Oh alright." Puffy jokingly rolled her eyes. "We can talk about it tonight." Puffy looked around the room, implying there were too many other people around. It was not a good idea to unpack Bad and Skeppy's relationship problems in the crowded lunchroom.

"Alright thank you, you're amazing." Bad smiled.

"I know, I'm the best." Puffy leaned back in her chair, cocky until someone behind her put their hands on her shoulders.

Puffy jumped up and turned around. "Jesus Christ, you scared me!"

Technoblade laughed and held up his hands. "Sorry, I thought you heard me walk up!"

"I didn't!" Puffy sat back down and huffed. "I hate nurses."

Technoblade invited himself to sit down with them. "I heard something about wine, and Bad's house."

Bad didn't plan on things going this way, but he was a friendly person. "Yeah! Do you want to come over? We haven't had a night together in awhile."

"I can remember hanging out at your place all the time when you first started working here." Techno reminisced.

"Yeah, it used to be so fun!" Puffy cheered. "We need more of your famous game nights."

Bad was flattered that his friends still had those memories. "Yeah it was fun... I miss hanging out like we used to."

"You should call up Sapnap." Puffy suggested.

"No-" Bad answered quickly. "He's way too wild."

"I liked him. He was so entertaining. Especially when he's drunk." Puffy giggled and offered some fries to Techno, who shook his head at the offer. "You don't like fries?"

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