Sleep With You?!

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It took an hour for Bad to successfully stitch Skeppy's wound. It shouldn't of taken that long, but there were a few obstacles. Skeppy kept crying, freaked out by the tiny needle. He couldn't even feel it, besides the pressure of it entering his skin. He told himself it was the pregnancy that made him that timid, but he never coped well when needles were unloved. By the end Bad was just thankful Skeppy only threw up once during the procedure, and the nurse kept her mouth shut.

On the drive back, Puffy passed out on the backseat. Skeppy was leaned back in the passenger seat, shooting occasional glares towards Bad. He wanted Bad to acknowledge him, but he wasn't willing to speak.

"Oh my gosh, why do you keep eyeing me like that?" Bad finally caught on.

Skeppy lowered the icepack he was holding against his forehead, and threw it at Bad. Not too hard, he wasn't trying for a car accident. "Screw you!"

"Ah!" Bad quickly tossed the icepack back and gripped the wheel. "Hey, watch it mister. Why are you mad at me? What I do?"

"That was traumatizing..." Skeppy bitterly put the icepack back over his fresh stitches.

"Oh and how is it MY fault? I did it properly, numbed you so you couldn't feel it." Bad argued.

"Still! It's traumatizing! Laying back on a cold bed, in a cold room, a hungover therapist holding me in place, a sketchy nurse eyeing my crotch, and a doctor sticking a little needle in my face." Skeppy complained, He'd be over it once he got some more sleep.

Bad sighed and relaxed his hands. "I'm sorry, you're right. It wasn't a comfortable experience. Hopefully the nurse didn't make you too uncomfortable, she was the only one available. I'll tuck you in when we get home, and we'll have a nice relaxing day together tomorrow. You can have cake for breakfast, and I'll let you pick out some movies to watch."

"It'll take more than cake and movies..." Skeppy leaned on the door.

"An entire jar of pickles for lunch?"

Skeppy shrugged.

"I'll let you have a teaspoon of mayonnaise before bed." Bad kept adding.

"Mmn, you're getting there." Skeppy licked his lips.

"For dinner we will have McDonald's." Bad assumed all pregnant people craved McDonald's over other fast foods. Since it was so greasy.

"Actually...weird request, Can we have subway? Lettuce sounds so good, and they always put so much lettuce." Skeppy made himself drool over the thought of lettuce, pregnancy was truly a weird thing.

"Okay, that's better than McDonald's I guess. Extra lettuce, extra mayonnaise?" Bad teased.

"Mhm, toasted on the white stale as fuck bread."

"Language-" Bad couldn't help but laugh.


When they got home Bad woke Puffy up, and they both helped Skeppy get out of the car. He was still dizzy, had a massive headache, and he almost felt seasick thanks to his baby.

Bad brought Skeppy to his bedroom and helped him get under the blankets. "Do you want anything now before you go to sleep?"

Skeppy groaned and pulled the blankets up over himself. "No, just let me pass out."

"Okay, I'll be here if you need me." Bad turned out the lights and subtly tucked Skeppy in. Skeppy didn't seem to have any brain damage but Bad would still keep a close eye on him for a few days.

Skeppy grabbed Bad's wrist before he could move away. "Baaad!"

"What, I'm still right here?"

"Put a bucket by the bed, I might throw up." Skeppy whined.

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