Am I Really?

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When Skeppy's results were in, Bad was called back to the lab. As soon as he had free time, he hurried to the lab to get the results. He decided he'd open the file with Skeppy. If he read it prior and it was bad news, he would only struggle to tell him.

A nurse called Skeppy back to the exam room, he was drenched in anxiety sweat by the time he got back there.

"Do you have the results?" Skeppy sat down so he didn't faint.

"Yes- oh my gosh, you're a sweaty muffin aren't you? You that nervous?" Bad frowned.

Skeppy just shook his head, but acting not bothered wasn't going to work.

Bad took a seat. "Remember, no matter what this says we can figure it out."

Bad opened the file, and that's when Skeppy broke. Before the information was even revealed, Skeppy started sobbing uncontrollably.

"Oh my-" Bad jumped up, this was common for potentially pregnant people to freak out. Especially if the baby was unplanned and unwanted. However this was the first time Bad ever had to tell a man he was pregnant.

"What does it say?!" Skeppy gasped through his tears.

Bad wasn't supposed to touch his patients unless it was for an exam, but regardless he put a hand on Skeppy's shoulder. "I haven't read it yet. Take some deep breaths and relax. I'll take care of you no matter what's on that paper."

Skeppy kept crying, unable to compose himself. He moved away from Bad's touch, so Bad had to sit back down.

Bad held his breath and looked at the paper. He just had to know. When he saw the results, tears pricked at his eyes too. Bad often cried with his patients, he was very empathetic. Yet this time with Skeppy just felt different, it felt like they were meant to cross paths like this.

"Well?" Skeppy whined through tears. He could see his doctor melting the same way he was.

Bad cleared his throat and removed his glasses to wipe his eyes. "I'm sorry, but your test was positive."

Skeppy's mouth fell open. "Am...Am I really?"

Bad nodded slowly. He grabbed a box of tissues and handed them to Skeppy. "Take it easy, we can discuss this in your next appointment. I can probably squeeze you in at the end of the week." He was frantically trying to comfort Skeppy.

Skeppy sank in his chair and shook his head with devastation in his eyes. "I can't have a baby..."

"We can talk about abortion options when you're here again...or if you want, we can discuss adoption." Bad calmly told Skeppy his options to get rid of the baby.

Skeppy pulled his knees up to his chest and rocked in the chair to soothe himself. "I...I can't just kill the baby...I can't...I can't give birth either!"

"Shh, chill out." Bad cleared his throat, still suppressing his own feelings. "I know this is frightening, but we can work this out in your next appointment." Bad started checking his schedule. "How does Friday at 3:30 PM sound?"

Skeppy stood up, almost falling over when he did. Luckily Bad had lightening fast reflexes and caught him before he got hurt.

"Are you dizzy?" Bad hurried him back into his seat.

Skeppy didn't respond, he just cried with no words left to say.

Bad wanted to curse but he couldn't. He had to get moving. He had other patients to see. He used his intercom to request assistance. Someone else would have to take care of Skeppy until it was safe for him to leave. Even though Bad desperately wanted to stay and help him.


Friday morning Bad headed to the psychiatric unit to talk to Puffy. He knew at this time she would be in the staff room, downing coffee and telling the nurses dad jokes.

When he walked in, Puffy acknowledged him immediately. "Hey, Bad! What's up? Need a lobotomy?"

Bad laughed and rolled his eyes. "No, and I really hope that's not what you muffinheads are doing up here. I need to speak to you."

Puffy raised an eyebrow and stood up. It was odd for Bad to come speak to her during work hours.

They headed to Puffy's office, so they could talk privately.

"So what's up?" Puffy sat at her desk, spinning in the chair slightly.

"I just wanted to ask if you're currently accepting new patients." Bad hoped she was.

"Uh no, not currently. I've got more than enough going on right now." Puffy stopped spinning. "Why?"

"I've got a patient that I'm seeing later. I think he could benefit from therapy. He's experiencing major anxiety right now." Bad trusted Puffy, and that's why he wanted her to take on Skeppy's case.

"There's other physicists around. I can refer him to someone else if you give me his info." Puffy got ready to write it down.

"No, Puffy... It's different this time. Not just anyone can take him." Bad insisted that Puffy was the only good option.

"Why not?" Puffy clicked her pen.

"He's transgender and pregnant..." Bad knew Puffy wasn't hateful, so he went ahead and said it.

Puffy went quiet, clicking her pen a couple times. "I see...I really can't take him right now, maybe in a month."

Bad sighed. He'd have to find someone else, or not offer therapy at all. "Thanks anyway Puffy..."

"So he's female to male?" Puffy asked for clarification.

"Yes, he's still got an intact female reproductive system. Obviously, that's how he ended up pregnant." Bad couldn't imagine being a pregnant man, that would deteriorate his whole gender image.

"Right...I know you're not supposed to tell me stuff but...what did he choose to do?" Puffy knew Bad was strict about confidentiality.

Bad shook his head. "Puffy I couldn't tell you. I'm seeing him today for him to make his decision, but I won't be telling you."

Puffy shrugged. "okay, I get it."

"See you later" Bad waved before heading out of her office.

Before he knew it, he'd have to see Skeppy again. He expected it to break his heart. No matter what route Skeppy wanted to take, it would still break his heart.

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