We Can Keep Her?

391 22 62

*Child Birth*

Things may not of always went smoothly, and they may not of went fast, but eventually Skeppy was ready to pop like a balloon.

It was a freezing night in November when it happened. Skeppy was laying in bed with Bad, trying to sleep. He kept waking, feeling a dull discomfort in his sides. Soon it progressed to a unbearable pain in his abdomen.

Skeppy nudged Bad quickly, not caring for a second that the man only just got to sleep. "Bad! Is it happening?!"

Bad sat up urgently and rubbed his eyes. "wha?" He turned on the lamp and tried to wake up. "What's going on?"

"I think it's happening!" Skeppy held his stomach and struggled to sit up. "No, I KNOW it's happening!" Skeppy insisted as he felt a wave of panic and pain.

"Okay, okay! Stay calm." Bad got off the bed and turned on the main light source. "Let's get you to the bathroom." Originally the plan was for Skeppy to give birth in the bathtub.

"Can I stay here?" Skeppy whined and hugged his pillow.

"No, you can't give birth on the bed, muffinhead." Bad told him and gently helped him stand. "I'm going to call Lya, okay?"

"Yes, call Lya!" Skeppy wanted Lya to be there to help provide emotional support. That was in the plan.


When Lya arrived on the scene, they did not expect things to be as escalated as they were. Skeppy was leaned over a chair in the living room, a thick layer of towels underneath him. His pants were off but Bad had draped a towel over him for privacy. Bad himself was not seen when Lya arrived.

"Oh my god, where's Bad?!" Lya ran over and kneeled by Skeppy.

Skeppy trembled and shook as he lifted his head to speak to Lya. "Getting some stuff..." Skeppy panted.

"How far along are you?" Lya gently placed their hand on Skeppy's back.

"Only 7 cm dilated..." Skeppy whined and put his head back on the chair.

Bad came back into the room, relieved to see Lya. "Thank goodness, you're here. It's going to be a rough day."

"Is everything going-" Lya paused to let Skeppy scream in agony. "Is he okay?"

Bad nodded and kneeled by Skeppy. "Unfortunately this is what normal looks like..." Bad held one of Skeppy's hands. "Are you holding up okay there, Muffin?"

"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!" Skeppy muttered while twisting Bad's hand painfully. He couldn't believe the earth shattering pain he was feeling. If he had a gun, he would of shot himself to escape.

"Skeppy, you can do it." Bad tried to encourage him while also squirming in pain. "Don't break my hand- I need to be able to use both my hands."

Skeppy gave Bad a look that could kill.

"Break it, it's fine..." Bad changed his mind and used his free hand to stroke Skeppy's messy hair. "You're doing really good, I'll check your dilation in a minute."

Nothing changed for a full 30 minutes. It was just Skeppy writhing in pain, with Bad and Lya trying to console him. Then Skeppy let out an even louder shriek. It was safe to say he did not have a good tolerance for pain.

"BAD! BAD! SOMETHING HAPPENED!" Skeppy squealed.

"Okay, okay!" Bad peeled his hand away from Skeppy and lifted the towel. He sighed in relief. "It's okay, your water finally broke. Lya can you go get more towels from the closet? I bought so many towels for this, most will have to be tossed out..."

The Man You Are Now (Skephalo) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now